I Don't Like This

865 11 8

Tw:Eating disorder/negative body image
Requested by:Moondragonice

Drew had a lot of strange habits his friends knew about. He was constantly fiddling with his hands, and he read a lot. Worst of all, he struggled with self harm. He used to cut himself in middle school, and he had a stress disorder that would make him eat and stress exercise every calorie off. Henry and Liam helped him stop, but he still did as well.

Jake never really knew, and Drew never told him. It was the Jomies secret from Jake, Drew didn't want to worry his crush and best friend.

It was crushing him, but Jake didn't ever have to know. He never thought Jake would be the cause of his next stress eating disorder.

When Jake started hanging out with the Music Club, Drew was concerned. He didn't want to lose Jake, and he didn't let it show. He had gym tight after lunch, and would exercise every calorie off.

When he ate dinner, he would always start worrying, and would exercise it off. He wasn't eating as much and it was showing. He'd lost maybe ten pounds in three weeks.

Henry and Liam were starting to notice, and would male his favorite foods and get him to eat. He'd still burn all the calories, but he did appreciate the efforts of his closest friends.

Jake was starting to notice as well. Did Drew lose weight? He looks so thin. That's not good, he's too thin. Jake thought, he was scared out of his mind, but had no idea how to approach Drew about it. He'd never been in that situation before! What should he do?

Jake was watching from afar, and Hailey looked at him. "Drew looks really bad. He's lost too much weight, Jake. You need to work whatever is going on out. If you don't, Drew might die." Hailey warned. She had a friend back in middle school who suffered such a fate, and it had wounded her so much. She wasn't about to let Jake make the same mistake.

"You're right." Jake said. "Thank you, Hailey." And he rushed off. He needed to see Henry and Liam, to see if they could help him approach Drew.

"Hey guys, what's happening with Drew?" He asked. Liam turned to Henry, who shared the same sour and sullen expression. "Well, Drew has an eating disorder." Henry started. "It's triggered by stressful situations, he'll eat then exercise it off, so he doesn't gain weight. Whenever he's stressed, he's not nearly as arrogant." Liam states. Jake's heart broke. "How did you guys approach him?" Jake asked. Henry smiled. "You're worried, express it to him. He'll tell you." He said. "Okay, thank you guys." Jake beams. "Yeah, good luck, Dude." Liam said.

Jake waits until their at Drew's house that weekend, two days later, and after Henry and Liam went on a walk, Jake decided to corner him about it. "Drew, what's going on? You've lost weight. " Drew froze and when he regained himself, he broke down. "I never wanted you to know, then you started to hang out with them, and I just..." a tear runs down his cheek. "didn't want to be worthless." Drew finishes, and Jake touches his cheek. "Worthless? No, Drew, I would never see you that way. I love you, I always have, you know that, right?"

Drew shook his head, another tear sliding down his face. "You do?" He asked, his voice broke. Oh Drew, I'm do sorry. I made you feel all alone. Jake thought.

Drew lays on his bed, and he sighed. Tears were still falling. "Are you going to actually eat now? I need you alive, Drew." Jake said. Drew nodded. "I will, I love you too. I just didn't want you to be dissatisfied with me. I'm nothing but my looks, honestly." Jake jumped at that.

"No, you're so much more than that! You saved me from bullying. You're kind when you like someone  you're smart, and very talented in many things. Don't cut yourself short like that."

Jake smiled, leaning into Drew, laying next to him. "Please stay." Drew muttered weakly. "Of course."

Henry and Liam peeked in the room. "Should we tell them we heard everything?" Henry asked. "No, let them have their moment. Drew's okay now."

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