Meeting-Part 1

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Based on Seven Deadly Sins prequel, Seven Days

"Wait no, Holy Saint! Please, I- I'll leave! And I won't come back I promise!" Drew closed his fist and the person screamed as he took one final breath. The humans are all so stupid. They don't know even after all this time that we fairies can read the hearts of people to see their true intentions. Drew rolls his eyes as he thought.

Many people were sitting in the bar where Hailey Austin, a bandit, was passed out drunk. "Is she even living?" One girl asked. The other girl shrugged. "Did you hear about that guy, Johnny? Who went to the Fairy Queen's forest? He's been missing for two weeks. No doubt the Gentleman Saint of the place killed him." The other girl nodded. "Eternal life ain't worth that." The first girl shuddered. Hailey glared at them. "Are you talking about the Fountain of Youth?" Hailey questions. "Uh... yes." The second girl said. Hailey smirked. "Let me join you!" She said. They described the horrible looks and Hailey shook her head. "That isn't a saint,, thank you ladies" Hailey said as she walked out of the bar. "Thank you?" One girl said, and they both looked in their purses. Their wallets were gone! "Why that blue haired freak! She stole our wallets!" Then they rushed out before they could get caught.

"Thank you ladies" Hailey repeats, giggling their wallets. "Now, I'm nice and full and ready to start my journey to the Fairy Queen's Forest."

Drew's hair blew in the wind. It was a nice day, but exactly like another one.

"Zoey, what is that?" Drew had asked his adopted sister, Lia's best friend. "Oh, this? Eagle eyed Drew has done it again!" Zoey exclaimed and Drew blushed. You aren't hiding it well. Drew thought. He had a crush on Zoey, but would never own up to it. "Where's Lia?" He asked. "Quit worrying. She's the Fairy Queen, she's fine." Drew sat down. "Not entries, just curious." Zoey smiled. "Sure, my prince." She said, and Drew's face went even redder. Lia walked by, and played a flute she got from the human realm. "Sister, what is that?" Drew asked. Lia jumped. "Drew! It's nothing." He rolled his eyes. "Can't you just tale your job seriously? Your bad example is why Zoey keeps going to the human realm and acting out." Zoey quit laughing and stared at Drew.

Zoey lauched into a rant she'd soon regret about humans being nice, and Lia groaned as the two argued.

One day, Zoey brought a bunch if the fairies to a merchant she'd visited, and they were kidnapped, and their wings were plucked off, and when Lia was informed she rushed to rescue anyone she could, leaving Drew for a 'little while'

"Lia, it's been seven hundred years, is this what you meant by a little while?" Drew asked into the breeze. "This sensation... a human has entered the forest." Drew realized. But, no human in seven hundred years has ever gotten to the Great Tree. And no one ever will. Drew thought.

He tried to find the human, but decided against it, they'd be killed by the forest soon enough.

"Just a drop on your tongue adds then years to your life!" A girl sang, causing Drew to jump. He hurried over to the ledge. Impossible! She's scaling the Great Tree?! Drew thought in confusion.
"One gulp add one hundred years" She continued. "Drink it all and you'll live forever!" The teal haired girl landed on the tree and Drew just stared in surprise. She's alone as well, how strange. 

"Hmm, oh there it is!" She said as she saw the cup. "No guardian in sight, and what're you doing here little man?" She asked. Drew narrowed his eyes and rose, floating. The bandit seemed impressed and Drew put his hand up. "I'm the guardian protecting the Fountain from thieves just like you." He said and used his magic to send a huge gust of wind and it threw her off.

"You're safe now." He told it. The girl's singing made him jump. And he was quick to throw her off again. And again. And again.

Both were exhausted and annoyed. "Stop it!" She said and Drew clenched his fists. "Hey, that's my line, besides how are you even alive? A fall from this height should've killed you by now!" He points out and the bandit chuckled. "Good luck, I guess. I'd get lucky and fall on a branch or in a pile of leaves. Now, let's get to this ." She pulled out a long weapon.

She's going to kill me and drink it, all humans think the same. Here she comes! Drew adapted and got in a defensive pose, and suddenly he was seeing the cup in her hand. "Hmm, doesn't smell like ale, oh well. Cheers to longevity."

"No, no, you can't!" Drew shouts and vines surround his body, and Drew sighs in relief. "I don't expect a stupid human like you to understand, but if you drink this, the forest will wither away and die, so give up and leave." She smiled. "Got it!" She told him, and he groaned.

"How stupid did you think I am, you 'get' it?" She laughed. "Honest." Drew began to read her heart. Aww man, too bad. I heard tje ale here's to die for, but if it kills this place, I can't. The vines went away and placed the Fountain where it belonged. "Just who are you?"He asked.

"Can't you tell by now? A bandit. " Drew sighed. "Not what I meant" He admitted. "Oh, my name's Hailey. And you kid?"

"Oh, I'm not a kid, my name's Drew." Hailey nodded. "I like it, Drew fits you." He turns away and blushed.

"But can I ask why you wanted the Fountain so bad?" Drew asked, looking at Hailey. "Well, worthless bandit or not, I was thinking if I was immortal, maybe something good would happen to me. "What if it didn't?" Drew asked. "Hm.?" Hailey asked. "I've been guarding this spring for seven hundred years, and not a single good thing has happened in that time. "

"Seven. Hundred. YEARS?!" Hailey asked as she processed it. "Yes, I've lived significantly longer than you, despite my looks." Hailey shook her head. "You've gotta be so bored!" She said. Drew grinned. "No, I'm serious, all you do is stare at a cup all day every day for seven hundred years."

Drew trembled sadly. "I am so bored! I've doing this a majority of my life and I have never seen anything outside of this place!" Hailey jumped down from the tree. "I could never do that." She said.

Drew watched her leave. "I really wish we could talk longer." He said into the open air.

Hailey came back with a book and smiled, holding it up and Drew looked at it in confusion and Hailey's face fell.

A/N: There will be a part 2, don't worry, but I wanted to post this so you  guys aren't waiting too long. I will be making a part 2 of a recent one-shot I wrote as well, then a Drakeily one-shot. Requests, as always are open, but will be completed last due to me wanting this to get done, but I will be updating more, as my book, Resentment has also been completed. Love you all, have a nice day/night

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