First Kiss

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Ship: Jailey
Requested by:jaileytmf

Jake laughed nervously as he twiddle his thumbs, looking at his new girlfriend's lips. She had put lip gloss on them, and he wanted to kiss them so bad. He had been called a chicken by his friends several times, and he didn't want to seem like one.

He took a deep breath. He didn't understand why he was this nervous. It was just Hailey after all. Yeah, his nervousness was ridiculous. Hailey looked at him, her hair twisted in a ponytail as always.

Her teal hair looked pretty, and her grey eyes looked so enchanting his heart skipped a beat. "Um... so...Hailey?" He started.

But her phone rang. "Hey, dad. " Then she turned back to him after listening. "I'm sorry, Jake. I have to go home. My dad says so." Jake smiled. "Oh, yeah, no problem." This was a problem indeed. He was so close! He inwardly groaned. This whole romance thing was difficult!

Hailey sighed as she sits in her bed. She just nearly had her first kiss, and her dad just had to call her at that moment. It was annoying how her family had to ruin every moment with a boy.

She meets Hake at the school, and they go in holding hands. Ever since the competition, they'd been dating. That was weeks ago, but they hadn't kissed yet. It was so frustrating that it made Jake want to scream. He was tired of distractions.

He would kiss Hailey. He was sure of it. He wanted to, so he would. But how? No... he shouldn't overthink it, then it's not as natural. It would happen eventually. It had to, it was normal, right?

Argh! Jake quit over-thinking it! You can do this. Just kiss her soon! Jake sighed. This was so difficult it hurt. He was clueless, heck, he didn't even think he'd get this far. He chuckles at himself in satisfaction. "But I did" he reminded himself. Now, mich more confident, ge went to Hailey.

He walked into the Music room for practice. He picked up the microphone, winking at Hailey before starting to adjust it and getting ready to sing. He sang his heart out, smiling as he did do, Hailey looking away shyly. She loved his voice so much! It was just breathtaking.

Jake reached for Hailey's hand, tugging on her and smiling. "Let's go get ice cream, Hails!" He said joyfully. "Hails?" She smirked. "C'mon it's cute, admit it. You don't mind me calling you that."she shrugged in defeat. "I really don't. " He smirked. "You better not." He pulls her closer. Now was his big chance. Then... Xander pulls them apart. "NO PDA" He complains before walking off, Luke apologizing refusively for him. Hailey groans but smiles as Jake slumps at that.

He was so confident and now he just wasn't. Hailey grabs him as soon as Xander leaves and kisses Jake. His heart race picked up as he reciprocated. He blushes and looks away.

Finally! His mind, his own inner Jake, screams.

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