Sleeping Beauty

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Ship: Jaisy
Actor AU

Jake felt hesitant as he leaned slightly into Daisy, her lips against his.

It felt natural but also wrong. Daisy had never kissed someone before him, and he had. He'd kissed Hailey, and dated her before they broke up months ago. She liked Sean now and the two were dating.

Daisy opened her eyes, smiling. She was good at acting, while he only joined because it was a musical. He liked acting though. It was refreshing. The Music Freaks, the band run by Hailey and Xander, had criticized him over everything. He and Hailey were dating, then split apart because they argued too much. She only saw the worst and him, like everyone else in that cursed group. Luke and Sean were his safe havens. Then Luke started defending Xander and Hailey cheated with Sean. Jake was heartbroken, blew them, and permanently left the Music Freaks.

Daisy is Sean's best friend, but hasn't once justified the cheating. Sean and Hailey both tried to justify it, and it made Jake sick. Daisy was refreshing. She was lovely in every way.

"Jake, you still seem uncomfortable with kissing me." Daisy pouts cutely. Jake felt his face go red, and he had butterflies swirling around in his stomach. His heart fluttered. "So, we're going to practice kissing. For the play of course." Jake felt his stomach drop in sadness. His heart felt heavy.

"For the play, of course." Jake said nervously. His heart was hurting l, his chest felt tight. He knew this feeling, he felt it whenever Hailey cheated or when Zoey took Drew away from him. It hurt, it was heartbreak. A heavy heartbreak at that.

But, Daisy was adamant about the kissing thing. They rehearsed the scene so many times Jake knew her taste by heart. He could feel her lips on his and knew it was her. He was comfortable like this.

Daisy knew it was Jake, even if she were to fall asleep. She knew him so well, and she was starting to feel something. She was more excited for every kiss, like they were a real couple. She craved him when they were apart. It brought a smile to her face. She just knew it, she liked Jake. A lot.

The months before the play turned into weeks, and weeks into mere days, and soon it was the day of. Jake was practicing his vocals, smiling as Daisy did the same. Daisy blushes, turning away. She twirls her hair nervously. He twidles his thumbs. They both were dying to get onstage, but they were keeping a secret.

They both planned to confess to each other after this play! Daisy and Jake both had it all planned out.

Jake sang along with Daisy onstage, dancing and singing in harmony. It was what you'd expect pure happiness to feel like, the looks of passion on their faces.

Jake was itching for the kiss. Daisy was as well. Daisy and Jake shared the kiss, and she pretends to wake. She gave him a real, passionate look.

They danced together for the ending scene, and the curtains closed, opening to show all the actors. Jake smiled. He bowed as Daisy curtsied. They grinned at each other, Jake was blushing a strawberry shade of red, and Daisy was cotton candy pink.

They met up after the play. "I don't normally act, but that was really fun." He admitted. Daisy smiled. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. " Jake felt awkward, but in a good way. It was the most comfortable awkward silence ever. Jake and Daisy both blurt out "Will you go out with me?" Jake laughed and Daisy touched her neck with the palm of her hand.

"Jake, I really liked getting to know you. The real you. I want you to go out with me. " Jake nodded. "I will. " Daisy rushes to him and hugs him.

"This was the best day of my life, Daze." Jake said affectionately.

"Me too Jake." She murmured into his shoulder.

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