The Date

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Ship: Drenry
Requested by:Somniphobie

Drew stared at Henry angrily. He was very annoyed and it was showing.

At first, Drew was ecstatic to have his crush over. It was Saturday, and they were working on a project for English, it was a book report over a novel they had read, and they were making a poster.

'Were' because Henry then realized the new 'My Hero Academia' episode was coming out. Now, he was watching it, and Drew couldn't help but be annoyed after spending three days excited for this day to come. His blood was boiling! He needed to get Henry away from that TV screen, now!

What do I do? Oh! I got it! "Henry?" Drew asked. He looked up, "Yeah Drew?"

Drew smirked. This would work. "If you'd help me work on this, I'll buy you four visual novels." Henry's eyes lit up. "You would? Oh my God Drew you're the best friend ever!" Henry hugs Drew, causing him to blush.

"Oh, uh... yeah. No problem. Now help me!" Henry sat down, and began writing his part.

Thank God Drew had given him a pencil because he was messing up constantly! He couldn't write neatly to save his life and he kept misspelling words. It drove Drew, who was a natural perfectionist crazy! How was he supposed to sit through this long enough for the mall date? Would they even have enough time to go today? What if Henry didn't see it as a date?

These thoughts swarmed Drew, and he sighed as he finished his part. Henry was humming as he wrote, and Drew's eye twitched. "Henry, shut up." He groaned. It was making him go crazy, his thoughts and the humming, and he couldn't decide which one he hated more.

Drew got up. "You know what, I'll do it myself. Let's go to the mall. " Henry smiled. "Yes!" He shouts, grabbing Drew's hand and pulling him down the stairs. Drew grabbed his keys and they left.

They arrived after about five minutes. The first thing they did was eat, both of them were starving after working on that project. Henry talked through mouthfuls, Drew scolding him as he did so. "Henry that's disgusting. Close your mouth." He grumbled more than once by the way. Henry just grinned and kept eating.

They went to go find some visual novels, as Drew promised. Henry ran to the escalator and Drew was being dragged along, butterflies in his stomach as they held hands. Drew's heart was fluttering as well. You could call him a lovesick fool and you wouldn't be far off.

Henry finally reached the store, gasping as he saw the giant collection of visual novels. "Drew?" He asked. "Not even I have that much money. Pick five." Henry smiled. Five was still really good, and a month of his time. "Deal."

Drew spent ten minutes watching Henry pick out his five games. Henry was pretty much dancing by the end of it. They walked out and looked around a bit more before going out to the car.

Drew dropped Henry off, who kissed his cheek before getting out of the car. Drew touched his cheek, his heart doing a little dance of it's own.

A/N: I have one more request left, but I'm going to be writing two of the one-shots I want to write before that, but still, you know who you are, your one-shot will be out by Monday. <3

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