Get Me Out Of Here!

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Ship: Drake
Requested by:QuiznakingCat201

Jake had just went to his locker to grab a book. He just needed his book for history class and when he went to get it, three people were standing at his locker. Three figures from his past he hated more than anyone else. His middle school bullies.

His heart rate sped up as they noticed him. Jake was doing his best not to cower and tremble, but it was difficult. The blonde haired bully smirked and Jake's eyes met his. "Jake Sterling, it's been a while. Miss me?" He asked and Jake's eyes narrowed. "Not at all." He retorts. He pushed passed them to get to his locker. "So, you joined the Music club." The brown haired bully said this time. "Yeah, what of it?" Jake snarled. He shoved Jake against the locker roughly, knocking the wind out of him. "Get off me!" Jake shouts and pushes him away. Tears were sprouting in his eyes now and he bit his lip. "Why'd you join such a pathetic club? Oh wait, it suits you! Just like you, they'll never ne anything!" Jake pushed them. "Lies! They will be the nest band you've ever heard, I know it!" He shot back.

He took a deep breath and glared at them. They didn't waste a second and the last one punched him. "Get off, please!" Jake begged. By now, he'd opened his locker and the bullies got an idea. One held the locker open as the other two shoved him inside and he gasped as they closed the door on him.

Fun fact about Jake, he's claustrophobic. So, when he was shoved in the locker, he panicked. He took quick deep breaths and he nearly blacked out. His heart was pounding and he was shaking. He felt so cold, so so cold. He was crying now and then heard a voice. "Jake? Jake?" Drew asked. "Drew, in here!" He shouted.

"What?" Drew asked. "Specification please." Jake chuckled. That would make sense. It's not everyday your friend gets shoved into their own locker. "I-in my locker. "What? Are you joking?" Drew asked as he approached. "Sadly no, you remember the combination-?" Drew swung open the locker and Jake fell into his arms. Drew flushed red for a second as Jake rests against him. Drew smiled as he held Jake. "I got worried because you'd been gone so long, so I convinced the teacher to let me go find you." Drew explained. "I see, thank you, Drew." The magenta haired boy nodded and Jake smiled. "You saved me! I could kiss you right now!" Jake said and Drew smiled nervously at him. "Can I kiss you?" Jake asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Please." Drew said, his voice just as quiet.

Jake's lips were on Drew's needily. Drew reciprocated with the same desperate desire. They both needed this. "Jake, hmm, we need to get to class, mm." Drew hummed into the sweet kiss. "Another minute, I need this." Jake complained and Drew let's them stay like that until he has to pause for a breath. "We have to Jake." Drew helped him up and Jake hugged him. "Thank you, seriously. You saved me." Drew nodded. "You need to report them." Drew told Jake and he nodded. "Not alone." Drew smiled. "Who ever said you'd be doing that alone?" He asked. "Jake, if you need me to come with you then I can. That being said, you need to report them. They can't just get away with giving you a panick attack." Drew said and Jake kissed him again.

"Woah, needy much?" Drew smirked. "I can't help it, that's so sweet of you." Jake said. "Whatever, just know I'll be here for you. Let's go to class." Jake just followed his newfound lover and grinned like a lovesick puppy, feeling safe and happy knowing Drew would help him through this.

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