What About Kissing Liam?

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Ship: Henriam
Requested by Henriam_simp

It was their first ever date. And Henry wanted to kiss Liam, but quickly realized how short he was compared to Liam. Normally, this would be okay, but now it's was extremely inconvenient.

If they're going to be boyfriend's now, then he needs to figure out how exactly he's going to kiss his slightly taller boyfriend. Henry huffed angrily, which earned a chuckle from Liam. "What is it, Shorty?" Liam teased. Henry playfully punched his arm, opting to just hold Liam's hand instead. Henry then started his rant about how lettuce runs the world, receiving a groan from Liam.

But seriously, how were they supposed to kiss? Henry was dying to know. What if they got married? He'd have to use a stool to reach Liam! That was an embarrassing thought. Henry groaned, Liam giving his boyfriend a concerned look. He didn't know what was weighing on Henry's mind, and it was scaring him. He's Henry's boyfriend now, and Henry doesn't have to shoulder everything by himself. But, Liam didn't know how to ask him directly.

Liam went home after taking Henry home, and sat on his bed. It was a nice date. They went to the park after dinner to walk off all they ate. Henry held Liam's hand tightly. Too tight, his hand was still a little red, but Liam didn't want to say anything. He liked it. He liked Henry.

Henry was pacing around his room. He'd been all caught up on MHA, so he was busy thinking about the situation with Liam. He then smirked as he came to a solution. "Operation get Liam to kiss you is a go!" He said to himself. He smiled and blushed at the thought of it. He'd subtly hint he wanted a kiss, and Liam would kiss him. Then, he'd see how that's going to work.

It was foolproof! That was until Henry realized his boyfriend was Liam, the oblivious idiot. He face palmed. "This'll be harder than I thought."

It had been a week, and Henry seemed to recover from his sadness with ease, and Liam was pleasantly surprised. That smile meant the world to him.

Henry came up behind him, and placed Liam's arm around his shoulders and smirked. "Wow Liam, putting your arm around me? How romantic!" He teased. Henry wiggled his eyebrows, causing Liam to burst out laughing at his boyfriend's antics. "What's up Henry?" He asked. "Oh, y'know, just thinking about my wonderful idiot boyfriend." Liam grinned at the response, flirtatiously swatting at Henry's arm.

Henry sighed. He was expecting a kiss, not laughter. No matter, he'll get Liam to kiss him, he'd just have to wait a little longer. Henry was telling himself not to freak out, but he definitely was.

Even after a week of hinting, Liam was so empty headed he hadn't picked up on a single clue. He didn't know Henry wanted a kiss, and Henry wasn't going to admit it to him straight up. Besides, Henry kind of likes playing this game. He can keep Liam guessing, because he was so blind when it came to this. It made him angry though, he wanted that kiss so bad, he could already feel it.

But still, Maybe I should make the first move Henry thought. Liam hasn't noticed and it's been a week now. He tried not to, but he thought about it anyways. But he wanted to make sure it was okay. Liam might not be ready yet.

Another three days passed, and it was a Friday now. Henry wanted to tell Liam about his dilemma, but Liam would probably laugh so hard, he'd be crying. Even Henry knew he was being ridiculous. That's what hurt.

Henry's new goal was obvious. It's time for operation kiss Liam. He knew he could pull this one off.

Liam smiled as Henry sat next to him, holding hands once again. The two were leaning closer, both anticipating the kiss. Henry's heart exploded, it was everything he dreamed of. His eyes were practically hearts.

Liam smiled. "That was amazing" Liam breathed. "Yeah, that was." Henry replied as he pulled Liam in for another.

TMF One-shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora