This Early?

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Ship: Drake, Jailey (both hinted, neither confirmed) Drailey platonic. (After they put aside their differences)

It was early on a Saturday morning. Drew was still sound asleep, snuggled in his big mansion bed. His breathing was slow and steady, and he had the blanket up to his chin. He was content. The best feeling in the world to him, was sleeping in. Drew, who was normally as uptight as Hailey, was finally at peace.

All of a sudden, Drew's rudely awakened by his phone ringing. He knew who it was before he even looked at it. Only one person can call him at seven in the morning and live to tell the tale. "Jake! What do you want at this hour? Go back to bed." Drew said. Jake laughed sheepishly from the other end of the line. Drew knew that laugh. "You can't go back to sleep, can you?" He asked. "No, I want to take you and Hailey out for coffee. You wanna go?" Drew knew what that meant also.

"Would you let me sleep if I didn't?" He asked. "Nope!" Jake chirped. Drew just sighs in response. His bed was still so warm, and he was so comfy! How could he move. He almost drifted off until "Drew! Wake up buddy! " He was startled back into wakefulness. "Shut up. I'm so tired, Jake." More laughter on tne other end. "You're so cute when you're tired." Jake chuckled. Drew blushed. Jake's compliments always made him feel slightly flustered.

He couldn't figure out why, but Jake had stirred up his heart. He felt like a child when he was with Jake. He had no clue why he felt this way.

Drew got up and smiled. "I'll get dressed. Are you picking us up?" He asked. "Mhm." , "Okay, Bye." Jake smiled. "Bye!"

Then he called an also still sleeping Hailey. "Drew and I are getting coffee, wanna come with?" Jake grinned. Hailey sighed. "Fine. You'd just keep calling me anyways. " Jake hung up and was giddy.

His best friends had both agreed. They were his favorite people. Jake got ready himself, then went downstairs and rushed to his car to pick them up. He fid this on sleepless mornings. He went and got coffee, and he wanted them to be a part of that too. He knew Drew was grouchy upon awakening, but he'd be over it by the time Jake arrived... hopefully. the last thing he wants is a sleepy Drew complaining. It made sense, but still. He complained enough when he was fully awake!

Finally, he pulled into Drew's driveway and waited. Drew walk outside, and got in the front. "Morning" He muttered through a yawn. It was about 7:15 now, and Drew was clearly still feeling rather groggy. "Good morning, Drew." Jake chuckled. He was adorable like this. Drew saw the look in his eyes and blushed. There was that feeling again. Why was he feeling this way? Drew ignored his heart fluttering and buried these feelings down. It was too freaking early to be over-thinking relationships!

Jake pulled up at Hailey's house and she waltzed out and into the car. "Let's go!" Jake cheered. Hailey and Drew just looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "You're so excited." Hailey laughs. Drew sighed. "Don't encourage him." Drew sneers playfully. Jake just smirked at his best friends. After everything was done, they got along great. It made Jake happy to know they could get along.

Hailey watched Drew looking at Jake. Her chest felt heavy. They both liked him, she knew she did, but Drew was oblivious to his feelings. She could see it in his eyes. Drew loved Jake. That's why he got up for Jake this morning. That's why he dumped Zoey when she hurt Jake.

Jake pulled up and they all got coffee. Drew drank his slowly, occasionally laying his head on their table. Jake would pat his head when Drew did, one, because it was so cute, and two to help him stay awake. He and Hailey would talk at Drew sat there, dazed. Hailey smiled. "Drew, your coffee will get cold, you need to drink it." Drew sat up, finally awake, and began to drink his coffee.

"Can we go home now? I got a new game last night I wanna beat." Drew said. Hailey and Jake laughed. "Sure." Jake said. They all got in the car. "Did everyone have a good time though?" Jake asked.

"Yeah!" Hailey said. "Yes, but don't make a habit out of waking me up to hang out." Drew said. Hailey nodded. "Yeah, Sorry Jake, but I was also still asleep."

Jake laughs. "Okay, I get it. It's early. I'm sorry" He smirks. "I won't make a habit out of it Drew. I promise." Drew looked up and nodded. "At least you agree."

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