My Star

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Requested by:jaileytmf
aryxaczs, some Jailey content <3
Famous x nonfamous singer AU

Jake watched the T.V, start struck. His idol, Hailey Austin was on again. She was an inspiration to him and other introverted singers alike. He loved her so much, he idolized her so much. Jake had always wanted to attend one of her concerts, it was just something he wanted to do, but his family could never afford. 

His best friend, Drew was rich and he begged for tickets to her concert, which Drew bought for Jake's birthday. Jake had gasped as he opened the present. "Yes! Thank you, Drew!" he had shouted. He had hugged Drew and Drew blushed. "Yeah.. anytime." He muttered shyly.

Jake then noticed there was only one ticket. "No way. You thought I was going with you?" Drew laughed. Jake chuckles back. "And kook, I got you a front row seat!" Jake beamed brightly.

Hailey sighs as her brother starts stressing about the concert. "Luke, you sure you know what to do? Hailey, you know your lines? Milly, your guitar?" The entire group laughed, calming him down. "Yes, we do. It just sucks Sean's busy." Hailey said. He was on a date with Daisy so he couldn't make it, it was their first after all. Hailey's massive crush on him made it hard for her to get on stage without him. She had been crushed when he talked about Daisy, and tje two of them dating.

She used to have terrible stage fright, a not well known fact about her. Sean had encouraged her and helped her overcome the fright, and she had loved him for it, completely devastated when Sean fell for Daisy.

Anyways, Hailey got up on the stage, and instantly noticed a young boy, around her age in the crowd. He had strawberry blonde hair and light brown eyes. He was sitting alone, looking awkward. She smiled. Poor thing must be shy. He's cute, though.

Hailey began singing and to her surprise, he sang as well. He knew every word by heart.  She couldn't stop staring, and she had to stop herself from pausing in order to hear his voice better. From what she could hear, it was angelic.

She waited until after the concert then approached him as they were leaving. "Hey!" She calls to him. "Yeah?" He murmured then turned around, and his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head in shock. "Y-you're Haey Austin." He breathes in amazement, staring at her beauty. It was good enough being in first row seats, bit now, she was talking to him! It was totally bliss he was feeling right now.

"We could use you. I heard you singing in the crowd." She said, and his jaw dropped pretty much to the floor. "Really?" He asked quietly. She nodded and smiled. His heart leapt out of his throat. "Well then... yes!" Hailey grins back and Xander whispered something to Luke, and Luke murmurs something back to his boyfriend. The two smiled at each other, Milly gagging in annoyance.

Hailey and Jake exchanged numbers and they all left. Jake slept deeply and peacefully that night, happy with the night's events.

The next morning, he danced to her sings in his room, happy as his idol, who he had a big crush on had noticed him.

At noon, he went to work at her studio in town, and Hailey greets him with a handshake. "Well, Jake, let's get to work okay?" She asked, her face red. "Yeah" He murmured, husband heart racing.

This was his new, exciting life. He felt so nice and warm, and knew he'd stay forever.

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