Hard To Adjust

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Vampire King Jake AU,

TW:Jake is kinda cruel in this one-shot, Underage drinking (vague), description of kidnapping (not as vague), Unhealthy relationship (gets healthier throughout story)

Drew sat there on his bed, fiddling with his tie. In just a few moments, he'd be getting married. The thought scared him. He was barely an adult, only nineteen, and now, he was getting married to a one hundred and eighteen year old vampire! And he was the new king! Drew trembled as his personal guards, Henry and Liam walk in on him crying.

"Sir Drew, are you okay?" Henry asked. Drew trembled and sobbed. "No! I'm barely an adult and I'm getting married. Plus, I'm straight, and I had a girlfriend before I was taken here and I miss her so much. I just want to live a normal life." He cries out. "Why did he want me?" Drew cries.

Liam sat next to him and rubbed his back. "He liked you as soon as he saw you. He made them abduct you because he said you're the one. " Henry nodded. "And you never disobey the King's order."  Liam agreed. Drew just sighed. "I don't want this. " Liam straightened out Drew's tie. "I know, but you and him won't be seeing each other a lot. He's a very busy man." Drew's mouth lifts up a little, and he wipes his tears. "Thanks, you guys. I'm just... still so new to this. "

The three hugged, and then Liam did Drew's hair, and they did a little bit of makeup, just chapstick and concealer. After that, Drew didn't look like he'd been crying at all. He smiled, and then, The King's guards arrived to escort him to the wedding.

"I still feel bad about it though, don't you Liam?" Henry asked. Liam turned to his best friend. "Yeah. It makes me glad Sir Drew doesn't remember it."

"Him." Jake said. He was showing Liam and Henry a picture of Drew. "I want this human boy as my groom. Go get him for me." Henry and Liam shared a look. They were being forced to kidnap now? Jake had really fallen off the deep end! "One human husband coming right up, My lord." Henry said. Liam just smiled, elbowing Henry. Jake smirked. "Good, finally, nobody else was willing to do this!" Liam nearly face-palmed. "Gee, I wonder why." He murmured dryly, Henry nearly bursting out laughing. "You'll bring him to me tonight." Jake said. The two nodded and bowed. "Yes, My Lord" They said obediently. It was not wise to anger King Jake, that's a one way ticket to the afterlife, even for vampires.

Drew had been walking in an alleyway. He was walking the normal way home when Liam went up to him and looked in Drew's eyes. Drew became dazed, he was in a trance, and Henry took that moment of weakness to hit his neck from behind. Drew slumps, unconscious in Liam's arms. "Got him." Liam reports to Jake. "Nice work. I've got his room set up for him. Now get back here."

Jake smiles as he sees Drew, Henry and Liam nearly groaning. "Yes, he's perfect. Thank you guys. " They both bowed. "Now that you retrieved him, you two are now his personal guards. If something happens to him, you will be punished. Understood?" The two nodded. Jake was serious, dead serious. Drew was laying on the bed, not having regained consciousness yet. Jake sat down and stroked his hair. "Beautiful. He's an art piece, the most magnificent to ever walk the Earth." Jake admires. Liam sighed. "Your Majesty, leave him alone. He'll wake up soon." Jake got up, not before kissing Drew's forehead though. Henry shuddered. "One day you'll find someone, Henry. " Jake chuckled before walking out. When Drew awoke, he was informed of the situation and he had frowned, but didn't cry. It broke Liam's heart.

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