A Ruined Night?

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Ship: Drander
Requested by:Writersblock124578

Drew happily got ready. If he didn't hate it, he'd be dancing right now!

Xander had asked him to prom and he was now getting ready to go with his crush to the dance. Butterflies swirled in his stomach but in a good way.

Drew hugged his father goodbye and his brother and his sister in law waved him off for the night. "Are you ready?" Xander asked and Drew's mouth went dry. "Yeah." He managed to sputter out.

Xander held him close and his face burned as the two slow danced together. Jake and his other friends were looking at him smugly as he laid his head on Xander's shoulder. He didn't care. He just loved being held so tenderly. Drew was so warm and happy. He never wanted this moment to end.

Unfortunately it did. His phone rang and he walked outside to take the call. It was his older brother Derek. "Hey?" Drew asked and Derek sighed. "I'm so sorry but something is going on with Lydia. We think she might be miscarrying so I need you to look after the little ones at home. I know how excited you were but thos is an emergency." Derek explained and Drew's stomach dropped. Lydia was miscarrying? Derek seemed certain, which is concerning because he's an E.R doctor. "Let me say goodbye to Xander then I'll be home." Drew said.

Drew walked back inside and smiled at Xander. "Hey, I have to go. My siblings need babysitting." Xander raised an eyebrow. "You have family." He said and Drew frowned. "Listen, my sister in law is at the hospital, Derek thinks she's miscarrying so I need to go home and check on the kids." Drew explained and Xander nods. "I'll go with you." Drew blushed. "Would you?" He asked. "I would." Xander confirmed.

They both drove back to the house, well, mansion and Drew walked in with him. He rushed up the stairs and opened his brother’s door. Aaron looked up. He waved and smiled. Aaron was deaf and he signed more than he spoke. Speaking made his throat a little sore because he wasn't used to it.

Aaron signed to Drew and Drew signed back and Xander didn't understand. "Aaron says he wants to watch a movie with us." He signed something else and Aaron walked downstairs. "I'll go get Lilac, you just go downstairs with Aaron." Drew told Xander and he nodded as Drew walked over to another door and opened it.

Xander sat on the chair and Drew plopped down next to him. Xander blushed and Drew leaned against him. They watched a movie with closed captions on for Aaron. Xander smiled. Drew was so close to him and he was getting along great with Drew's family already.

Derek and David opened the door to see Drew and Xander asleep on the recliner, snuggled up in each other's arms. Lydia had to stay at the hospital overnight but it wasn't a miscarriage, just a scare. She was being monitored to make sure. Derek tucked a blanket around the couple and David walked to his room smiling. Derek waved at them and walked down the stairs to his own room. "They're so cute." He whispered with a grin.

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