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Ship: Hia (Can be seen as romantic or platonic)
Requested by:Velvetbug

Hailey was not expecting this. She was so not ready and therefore that was unfair for the universe to suddenly throw this on her.

She was in English class and the teacher was asigning partners and she was zoned out until she heard her name. "Hailey Austin, you will be working with Lia." She gasped and Jake had even offered Hailey his partner, Sabrina. But the teacher was firm. "You are going to work with Lia and that's that." Hailey was livid, she was actually beyond livid. Who'd wabt to work with a traitor? And Lia was a jerk now, she couldn't stand Lia.

Hailey sighed as Lia sat down next to her and watched Lia as she silently pulled our her chromebook. Lia began signing in as Hailey decided to speak. "Long time, no see." She said bitterly. "Yeah." Lia just replied. That's all she had to say? Hailey was on fire with rage. Even after three years of them not being friends, Lia still knew exactly how to get to her.

"Why did you leave?" Hailey asked and Lia seemed annoyed. "Are you serious bringing this up right now?" She grumbled and Hailey glared at her. "Forget it then. I just want to know why my best friend left." Hailey said. She knew that would rile Lia up. She looked at Hailey angrily before looking away. She took a deep breath before she spoke.

"I had to." Hailey looked at Lia in surprise. "I wanted to be friends with Zoey. And to get closer to Jake. I chose this because I needed to in order to be something. Why don't you get that, Hailey?" She asked and Hailey sighed. "That's doesn't seem right." Lia's eyebrows furrowed and she glared harshly at Hailey. "Yeah? Well I told you I liked him and I still do and yet you're so much closer to him even though you promised to stay away." Lia said and Hailey paused. That's right, she did. But that was years ago. And Hailey didn't even like Jake!

"That's besides the point." Hailey grumbled. "Is it? And you recently taking up all his attention and making sure he can't see us is right of you?" Lia pur quotations at the end and Hailey raised an eyebrow. Lia was pissed. "Well I'm sorry the club-" Lia grumbles "Enoygh about your stupid club!" And Hailey paused. "You only wanted to spend time with Luke and Xander, you were always busy! So, I had to find other friends or I'd be alone. So, when Zoey offered to take me in, I just had to accept it."

Hailey didn't understand. She thought she wad spending time with Lia and she had just described loneliness. Was she really keeping Jake away from his other friends? Were they lonely without him? "Lia, I had no idea you felt like that." Lia was tearing up. "I tried to tell you but you didn't listen. You just said it wasn't a big deal." Lia said and Hailey gasped.

"Hailey, can we talk?" Lia had asked. "Yeah, sure, what is it?" Hailey responded. "Well, about the club. Can you maybe take some... take some time off?" Hailey didn't understand. "Why?" She asked and Lia frowned. "Well, I've been eating alone at lunch and these girls keep picking on me and you being there stops that." Lia said and Hailey shrugged it off. "The competition is soon, so it doesn't matter, Lia. Soon, okay?"

That was a promise never kept. Hailey had completely forgot about it. Now that Hailey thought about it, she wasn't exactly a great friend back then. Even now, she tended to get possessive. Especially when it came to Jake.

"Lia, I totally forgot. I'm so sorry." Hailey said. Lia nodded. "And I'm sorry for my behavior recently." Those words sprung tears to Hailey's eyes. "Can we be friends again, Lia?" Hailey asked and Lia hugged her gently. "I'd love that." Lia agreed.

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