I Miss You When You're Away

905 14 13

Requested by:Jordanthekitsune

It was a cold, winter day and Jake and Drew were walking in it. "It's freezing!" Drew exclaims while holding his arms. It was warm this morning, then it was suddenly snowing and below freezing.

Drew shrugged off a jacket this morning, and it was definitely biting him back now. I should've known. He groaned, and suddenly, he had a jacket wrapped around him and Jake was holding him.

"Jake?" He asked, slightly stunned by his best friend and crush's actions. He had liked Jake for a while but never dared to mention it to Jake. He was barely bold enough to ask Zoey out, and his crush on Jake was much larger.

They continued walking, and Drew smiled. Jake was still wearing a sweatshirt, he was much more prepared than Drew, and Drew was grateful for tje jacket. But, it was Friday, and they wouldn't see each other all weekend. Drew always missed his crush, who he was starting to love. Drew tossed and turned if Jake forgot to text him "Goodnight"! It was horrible, he couldn't stand being apart from Jake, and Jake grabbed his hand within his own, his gloved hand. Drew's hand warmed up as he leans into Jake. "Let's stay warm." Jake suggested. "Yeah." Drew agrees quietly.

Drew rolled his eyes, staring at his phone Friday night. He was tired, but waiting for Jake's normal late night text, and it was evident that Jake had forgotten again, and passed out. Drew stares at the jacket on his coat rack, the dark blue jacket Jake always wore, and Drew got up and threw it on, and smelled Jake's lemon scent. He instantly relaxed a little, and was able to rest somewhat decently.

It dawned upon Drew, his whole family welcomed Jake as their own without him even expressing interest to them, and for that he was grateful but also a bit annoyed. Jake liked Daisy last time he checked. He wouldn't just start liking Drew, a guy, when he was straight.

He didn't want to give Jake back the jacket, but was itching to see Jake himself. Drew was conflicted, he really liked Jake, but the jacket was so nice and it smells like him and it was such a hard choice.

Saturday afternoon, Jake doesn't text Drew at all. It drives the teenager crazy, he hates that Jake wouldn't text him, but didn't know how to start a conversation, so he doesn't. He sits there and stares at his phone for a while, then goes downstairs to eat.

That night, Jake's texts him. Goodnight, Drew. Sorry I forgot to say that last night. It said. It's not a big deal. You want your jacket back on Monday? Drew responds naturally, as if he hadn't been waiting all day long. You can keep it, I have spares. Drew rolls his eyes and chuckles. I just forgot mine yesterday. Jake, I'm rich. Jake laughs from the other side of the phone, and Drew knows. Still keep it. It's really comfy, right?

Right. Drew responds one last time before they both get off the phone.

The next day went by quickly, he was happy, holding onto the jacket and his siblings were noting his light- heartedness.. "Good day huh?" Derek teased. He blushed and smiled. "Tomorrow will be." Drew answered.

It was the oromise of a good day tomorrow that combats Drew's loneliness today. He was able to wait, but he was so bored! It was a sullen and rainy day outside, and Drew had nothing to do. He'd already put three hours into his newest video game, and watched two films! He'd also spoken to his siblings in length, and it was only five in the evening!

He took a shower, and decided to talk with Jake. He calls Jake and the two converse for hours, and soon, it's near midnight, and Drew's plugging in his phone. "See you tomorrow, goodnight." Drew said before hanging up.

The next morning, Drew held a warm coffee and was wearing Jake's jacket, walking to school. Jake slithered behind him and grabbed his hand. "Jake!" Drew calls happily. "Hey, what's up?" He asked. "Nothing, you?" Jake nodded. "Same here. It's nice to see you."

Drew smiled. "Yeah, it's nice to see you too." Then, he blushes and looks away, warm even in the cold environment.

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