Why Never Me?

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Ship:One-sided Jailey, Hailey angst. Jaisy and Drake hints as well
Chapter for me

It started when he sang. She felt something, much different than when anyone else sang. She knew after a while that she had a crush on Jake. He was handsome, and was just one of the best singers she'd ever had the joy of listening to. But then she was informed about his crush on Daisy. It crushed her, but Hailey figured that he'd move on.

He crushed on Daisy nearly all of that year. He'd freeze whenever she was nearby, his face completely red. He truly liked her. Daisy seemed oblivious to his feelings, which made Hailey a little salty. She didn't know what to do. It felt like she'd been stabbed in the heart over and over. She didn't want to see him hurt, but it was inevitable.

One day, she saw Jake and Daisy walking down the hallway. They were talking and laughing. They seemed extremely happy, it broke Hailey's heart. Why not me?! Her mind wailed. It made the pain worse. They walked to his locker and she wat he'd him open it. Daisy then pulled a book out of his locker, smiling joyfully. She then placed her hand on his shoulder, and he was slightly flushed. Hailey sighed sadly. "I lost." She murmured. Xander placed a hand on her arm. She pulled her brother in for a hug, and he returned it.

Jake and Daisy weren't a couple, just close friends. But, Hailey knew that Jake had a crush in her, so it stung. He liked her so much, it hurt him too, especially when Sean was Daisy's best friend. Hailey knew that, so she never said anything about her feelings.

Then, Jake started piping up about a different crush. "He's been my friend for a while." Jake hints to Hailey one day. "Oh? But isn't he with Zoey still?" she asked. "Not anymore, they broke up, but they're still friends. " he replied. "Ah, gotcha." Hailey responded. She smiled, but she could feel her heart breaking all over again.

Hailey was watching Drew and Jake interact. It was obvious Drew liked Jake back. She always thought he liked Jake, but now, she had no doubt. Drew looked away, his tanned face slightly going pink. She turned away as Drew noticed her staring at him. He whispered something to Jake, then ran off. Jake smiled as he approached her.

"Hey, Hailey!" He called. "Hi" she muttered, embarrassed. "Drew said you were looking at me. Do you need something?" He asked. You. "Nope, I was just bored. You and Drew look even closer now. " she teased. He blushed. "Hailey, that's do embarrassing!" He whined. She chuckled as the bell rang. They said their goodbyes and went to class.

Hailey couldn't stop thinking about it. Her mind was corrupted by it. Jake liked Daisy, then Drew, but never her. She wanted him to like her so bad, but he didn't understand. He probably never even took the time to notice! These thoughts, were toxic. Hailey knew that, and was angry that she let herself think of Jake as too selfish just because he didn't like her back. She didn't know what to say though. She knew telling Jake was risky, and she couldn't worry Xander again. Xander probably told Luke about it anyways. Sean likes Daisy, so that's a no. Milly wouldn't understand.

The only person she could think of was Jake. He was the one with the best advice, because he was the most emotional one out of all of them when it came to love. I can't tell him! If he knows, he'll feel bad. Besides, I can get over this. One day, I'll get over my crush on Jake. She smiled at that thought, before the angrier ones came back.

But still...why not me? Why is it never me? Did I do something wrong to make no one like me? It's never me.

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