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Ship: Jailey
Request from: jaileytmf

Hailey took some deep breaths as she looked at the stage. She was still scared, but with Jake by her side, she felt much better. Jake has pushed her to her limits and beyond, training her to get up on stage and shine even without him.

She was truly grateful for him. He told her she could do this. He believed in her. Jake was truly wonderful, he had settled the dispute between the Music Frraks and the Jomies and is able to still be friends with both groups. He was truly incredible. She didn't know how he did it, but he did. In her eyes, he was perfect. An idiot at times, and late alk the time, but mostly perfect. But she knew he liked Daisy.

Daisy. She and Daisy were friends, and she didn't want that to change over her petty crush. She had cried over him though, knowing it'll never be her. Again, she looked towards the stage and her heart leapt. She could do this, Jake believed. Xander believed. Everyone did but her, she'd trust their opinion.

She turned to Jake, who smiled. "Hailey, you ready? " He asked. She smiled. "Let's go then!" He replied cheerfully. The stepped on the stage, and the band began to play. Hailey opened her mouth, and the words flew out, just like she'd practiced! The feeling was amazing, like a rush of adrenaline. Jake smiled at her, he'd noticed she'd been more confident lately.

Today opened her eyes. She could sing really well. She loved this feeling, being onstage. With someone else, it was much easier. And a lot more fun. She was grinning from ear to ear by the end of it. She walked off the stage, feeling numb, but prideful as well. She'd proved to everyone,, and herself that she'd changed. She could sing on a stage if she wanted to. She felt so confident, one would believe she could conquer the world, just like her stage fright.

The weight felt as if it had been lifted off her shoulders, now she could breathe much easier. It was amazing just how much better she felt.

Jake had noticed. He knew she thought it was his encouragement. "No, it was all Hailey." He said. The smile on himself face, it was so bright. That's what Hailey noticed as she smiled at him.

"I want to thank you, Jake. You helped me get over my stage fright." She said. "No, that was all you. Don't give me too much credit. " He said. She blushes as Jake hugs her.

He was overwhelmed with emotions. This had been one of the best experiences of his life. He had so much fun, and he knew. He liked Hailey. A lot. Hailey liked him back. He wanted to start a relationship. It would be good for him.

Hailey knew this as well, and the two kissed. It wasn't too long, but it wasn't too short either. They held hands as they walked away from the stage and into the next phase of their lives.

A/N: I hope this was okay, I've never written Jailey before. I really hope this was good. I'm sorry it's short, I ran out of ideas half way through lol. Anyways, another few chapters coming your way some time today and tomorrow. Please request if you want something, I'm going back to school on the 18th so I won't be writing as much. I promise to still write though.

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