Dinner Date

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Requested by:Sciencegal2235

Luke smiled as he rang Xander's doorbell. This was their first ever dinner date, and Luke was certain it'd be amazing. It certainly was interesting.

He picked Xander up for dinner, smiling as they shared a quick peck before going away. Luke took him to the restaurant and smiled as Xander looked happily around. He kissed Luke's cheek sweetly, causing Luke to blush.

Even after dating for months, Luke and Xander still tended to melt at each other's sweet, romantic gestures. They managed to catch each other off guard all the time.

The date started out normally, they talked about exciting things that had happened throughout the day, and what made them sad or angry, and it ended when Luke caught a glimpse of very familiar dark teal hair. Hailey? What's she doing here? Why is she in the booth behind us? Is she spying on us?

It took all his might to not make a face. He didn't want Xander to know that Hailey, and possibly Bethany as well, were spying on them. He smiled and kissed Xander. "I'll be right back." He excused himself. He walked past, and saw Jake, Hailey, Sean, and Bethany all hiding behind menus. "I knew it" He whispered. Of course she decided to drag them in on it.

Luke waited until he was in the bathroom to roll his eyes. That was annoying. He just wanted a night with the two of them, not with half Xander's family plus friends listening in on their every word!

Luke trembled nervously and smiled. He couldn't let Xander know they were here, started his mission to keep Xander away from the others.

Xander smiled as Luke sat back down.
Luke leaned in close, and he could feel Xander's breath as he close his eyes, reaching for a peck. Xander didn't delay the kiss, and it was long and slow. "What took you so long? I was so lonely." Luke exhaled. He didn't even realize he was holding his breath. "Nothing, just a line " he murmured sweetly. Xander grabbed his hand. "I'm just glad you're back."

Luke's heart sped up. He just loved it when Xander made him feel this way. He smiled as his heart continued it's persistent loudness.

Xander got up and Luke panicked, but didn't stop him. Yeah, they're in trouble now. This'll be fun!

Xander came back and whipped out his phone. "Why are you guys sitting right behind us?" He muttered angrily as he texted Hailey. Luke chuckles at that as he could practically hear Hailey jump, Jake and Sean cracking up. Bethany just looked confused. Probably for the better, Hailey couldn't just leave her at home alone.

Hailey smiled. "Hey" She said. "Leave. This was supposed to be a romantic dinner. And tell your boyfriends to do the same" Xander grumbled.

Hailey's face went red at the "boyfriends " comment, but she moved on fast. "Fine, sorry" Xander huffed.

Luke smirked. "Boyfriends? Romantic dinner huh?" Xander groaned. "I really just said that." He hid his face in his hands. "It can be romantic if you want" Luke offers.

"Please." Xander said. "And you know I don't say that to just anyone,Luke."

TMF One-shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora