Forever Hiding

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Drew's friend doesn't have a name, so he's Max now

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Drew's friend doesn't have a name, so he's Max now.

Ship: Max x Drew, kinda sad

Tw:Physical Abuse, Homophobia

Max was sick of hiding. He and Drew had been in a relationship since eigth grade and he couldn't show Drew off at all! Max knew why, but why did Drew have to go out with him?!

He'd seen the bruises from Drew's most recent mistake. His mom was horrible, and Drew had barely messed up, but she hit him anyways. Max imagined him, begging and pleading for his mom to stop hitting him, knowing it wouldn't work but being desperate.

Drew knew how Max felt, but he knew, even of his mom wasn't homophobic, she'd surely just use this as a chance to beat him and she'd make them break up. Drew had cried over his situation. He was so tired of them all getting hurt by their mother. David being abused by his "beloved" wife.

Max had stayed with him for a year, but now he was getting frustrated, they had to be private about their relationship because Drew was afraid someone would snitch. His friends knew, and Derek, Drew's older brother knew. Nobody else knew about their relationship, and it was extremely frustrating to Max. He wanted to show Drew off, he wanted to show the whole world the amazing and beautiful Drew was his. Drew was too scared. His mom finding out was too big a risk. He'd tear up at the thought of his mom finding out.

"You know I hate this." Max lamented. Drew nods. "Yeah, I know." They were on a date, a small dinner date and Drew grabbed Max's hand. "Dad is pretty fed up with mom. He and mom will break up soon. Please, don't leave me, Max."

Max gave him a skeptical look. "Okay." Drew leaned forward, kissing Max, who kissed back. "We'll be okay." Drew reassured him. "I should be saying that to you. You're the one who's hurting" Max replied. He looked at the bruise on Drew's hand. "What's this?" Drew let out a small, "hmm?" Then realized what he was talking about. "Oh, that. I told mom a B+ wasn't bad." Max winced. "Anywhere else?" Drew shook his head. "I got off easy, didn't I?"

Max shook his head as well. "Getting off easy is not getting hurt, not only getting one bruise. " Drew sometimes forgot not everyone had an abusive mother.

Max kisses Drew's fist, and Drew slowly let's go of the breath he'd been holding in. "That's right, breathe Drew, we'll get through this."

Max wasn't sure though. He loved Drew lots, but he knew he couldn't stay. But, how could he leave? Drew needed him, and had actively begged for him. It hurt, but either way, Drew would be hurt, so it didn't matter.

Max began his plan to break up with Drew. He'd do it after a nice dinner or something. He knew how to make it less painful. Like, they'd get back together after Drew's mom was out of the picture.

Max pulls Drew into the restaurant, dreading what he was about to do. He was going to break up soon. He loved Drew. It's only until that bit- I mean, Drew's mom is out of the picture.

Max needed a box, but Drew had finished everything. Max kissed Drew, kissing long and slow as this might be their last for a while.

"Drew, we need to break up. " Max blurts out, and Drew tears up a bit. "What? Why?" He asked. "It's just, I can't do this anymore. Because of your mom, we can't be seen together. "

Drew seemed to understand. "After your mom leaves we can-" Drew slapped some money down and left before Max could finish. "Oh, Drew." Max's voice quivered with tears.

Look at them <3:

Look at them <3:

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I am very much aware how random this is

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I am very much aware how random this is.

A/N: I'm so sorry people with requests, I'm working on them, it's just it's homecoming week so, I'm a bit busy. Plus, my mom's going on vacation so we're packing and stuff. Just know, I'm aware I have 2 requests I have to complete, sorry it's taking so long! Have a nice day!

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