Not Your Typical Prince Charming

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Ship: Jailey
Requested by: jaileytmf
aryxaczs, Jailey chapter, enjoy!

When Hailey was younger, she wanted a prince to be her boyfriend or husband.

Looking back, that was pretty stupid, and she's very grateful to have never verbalized it, not even to Luke and Xander. It made her unhappy though, knowing that would never, not in a million years, happen.

When she met Jake in freshman year, she despised him. He thought he was all that, she could yell, but he wasn't a prince charming! A prince charming was someone handsome, like Luke or Drew, someone who looks very good, not Jake, with his average looks and horrible personality!

And he thought he was so good! He thought he was attractive. It made Hailey sick, she wanted nothing more than to tear him down. He infuriated her to a whole new level!

Then, he auditioned for the Music Club. His voice was heavenly and warm, like you'd expect an angel to sing psalms. It made her perspective change. He wasn't all that bad.

She grew fonder and fonder of him as time went on. He helped Milly with her problem, got her dumb brother to realize he loved Luke and got them together, and he offered to sing with her because of her stage fright.  They were good friends and she liked him a lot.

After what he said, she knew ot was true. He was flawed, and she had been learning to accept it. He wasn't a prince charming, and he most definitely wasn't hers, but he acted enough like one that Hailey fell.

After he apologized, he stood on stage with her, and they sang. Hailey had never felt so alive. The adrenaline from the show wasn't over when they got off stage. She was buzzing with excitement and happiness, even though they lost the competition, she was still happy.

Jake seemed to feel the same way, and Hailey just wanted to grab and kiss him. He was talking and laughing with Sewn and Hailey eyed his lips eagerly. It was so tempting.

His hair was a wreck, he was sweating with his jacket around his waist and was panting as he laughed. This was the hardest he'd ever worked for anything, and it felt good to be able to do this. He and Hailey had worked so hard, he felt like he was about to collapse. The second he hits the pillow, he'll be dead to the world, he can feel it. The exhaustion couldn't ruin this day, and he was determined. He walked over to Hailey, waving at Sean.

"Hailey!" He called and she turned around. "Oh, Jake. That was kinda hard, wasn't it?" She asked, pointing to the stage. "Yeah, I'm beat. " He agreed, and Hailey sat down on the floor. "That was so scary being on stage." She admits.

"Hmm, but you did good." He tells her, and Hailey's heart skipped a beat. "You did too." She smiles. Then, the two hug before getting up.

If it was Jake, then she didn't mind that it wasn't a prince charming, because he was her's and that's what mattered most, she guessed.

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