Back Together

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Part 2 of 'Forever Hiding'
A/N: Literally don't know why, but this ship gives me the feels. Ofc Drake is still my OTP, but still I just love Drew ships.

It had been a year, the two having split ways.

Max was still sad, seeing Drew with Zoey. He knew Zoey was bad for him, anyone could see that though. It was painful to watch however. Drew was so nice and sweet to the ones he loved. When he fell for someone, he was passionate. It only hurt Max even more to think about.

Drew was also never alone. He was always surrounded by at the very least, Henry and Liam. He wanted to talk to Drew, but, he had to do it alone. All his friends, but Jake, knew they'd been a thing! Now Drew's life was much better.

His mom was put of the picture, his friend group was much closer, and he had a girlfriend, who his family liked (although they still liked Max or Jake better).

Then, suddenly, he had a really bad falling out with Zoey. It hurt him real bad. He didn't openly grieve it, but Max could see he was losing rest over this.

Max took his chance and decided to shoot his shot. "Hey, Drew" Drew jumps at the voice, but calmly relaxes as the shock wore off.

"Hey, Max" Drew adjusts his hair nervously, and fiddled with his hands, a telltale sign he was nervous. He still truly liked Max, he never lost feelings, he just liked Zoey as well. "Would you like to be friends again?" Drew pipes up before Max could. "Yes!" Max said happily. Drew touches his hand, and they stayed like that until Liam snuck up on the two. "Boo!" He shouts, smirking. Max jumped and Drew rolled his eyes.

"One day I'll get you." He smirked at Drew, who sighed. "Keep trying. You have tried to scare me when I was sleeping and it failed." Max smiled. Drew was still Drew. It made him happy. Drew was smiling as well. Liam grinned like a cat. "Ooh!" He said. A blush outlined Drew's face, and he sighed. "Quit it, Liam." He groaned, deadpan. Liam left knowing Drew was unamused. Max was laughing nervously, not missing the angry look that Liam was giving him. No doubt it was because of their breakup.

Drew rolled his eyes at Liam before leaving for class.

Max follows Drew, smiling like a lovesick puppy, fawning over Drew's every move. Drew smirked, raising his eyebrow, not in curiosity, but in pure amusement. Max's puppy dog face was kind of... cute. Drew shook those thoughts off.

We broke up a year ago! So... why do I still find him so... attractive... so... hot?! Drew was at war with his brain. Stop thinking this! He's right there! Max smiled and practally skipped down the halls.

Drew spent all day thinking about it, about him! He was getting butterflies and was smiling constantly all day. Jake had given him a weird look, while Henry and Liam filled him on the whole situation. "Oh." Jake smirks teasingly. "That's his lovesick look! I knew I'd seen that look from somewhere." It made Drew blush in embarrassment. He still loved Max, and it showed to everyone.

Drew sat onnhis bed, smiling into his hands as he excitedly thought about ways Max might ask him out again. He was really hoping he would.

And Max did not dissapoint, sweeping Drew off his feet with flowers. Drew's hand flew to his heart and it flutters warmly, butterflies swirling in his stomach. "Yes." He said, cupping Max's face to kiss it. "I'd love to."

A/N:I know, his name is Justin. I don't feel like fixing it, so his name is Mac now. Anyways, one more one-shot before I focus on requests! Then the two requests will be written. <3

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