She's the Sun, I'm the Moon

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Ship: Dadie (Daisy x Sadie)
Requested by:Poleyrobby

They'd always been balanced perfectly. Daisy did all the talking and Sadie sat there looking pretty...creepy. It always worked for them.

Daisy was bright and had a bright aura that anyone could compare to the sun. It was hard to find anyone that didn't like her. For Sadie, it seemed impossible for anyone to truly hate Daisy. She was extremely popular, having the hearts of both Sean and Jake.

Sadie was the opposite. She was dark and gloomy, talking only when she had to, but not letting her words go to waste. She was sarcastic and sneery, but could also be quite kind if she chose to be. Especially to Xander and Luke. Watching them get together made her happy. They were so...entertaining. People tended to ignore her because they thought she was too dark and dreary, and then tended to fear her due to her looks and voice.

Daisy acknowledged her before anyone else. And in a positive way. It made Sadie feel like no other, smiling more and feeling slightly stirred up, in a good way.

They were like Yin and Yang, two halves perfectly making a whole. Sadie always thought they were made for each other, but never dared to utter a word about her feelings. She wasn't like Sean, or Jake, who let their feelings flow freely. It was hard for her to express normal feelings, so it was nearly impossible for her to talk about romance.

If Daisy wanted to talk about romance with her, she'd listen, but still she knew it would never be her.

Daisy grabbed Sadie's Arm. "Hey, Sadie! Wanna walk with me?" She asked. Daisy was glowing, as always. But, even as they kept walking, Daisy didn't let go of her arm. Her face felt warm. Her chest felt light. She was going to faint! The contact was heavenly.

Daisy smiled and leaned towards the shy girl. "You really do like me, huh?" She asked. Sadie jumped. "O-of course. You're my only friend." Daisy laughed. Her voice was light and airy, as always.

This seemed too normal for this. Sadie had almost thought Daisy caught on. But wait... Daisy didn't even know she was a lesbian yet. How would Daisy know she liked Daisy? "No silly, I meant like, you really like me! Like a crush. "

Yeah, if Sadie jumped before she had leapt into space now. There is no way she figured that out by herself! Sadie's mind screamed. "How did you-" Daisy placed her finger yo Sadie's lips.

Sadie shut her mouth as Daisy blushes. Daisy was feeling nervous as well. "I like you too." Daisy whispered, so quiet Sadie nearly missed it. "Did you hear me?" She asks. Sadie nodded. Then she did the unthinkable.

Sadie kissed Daisy. They both leaned in at the same time, but she initiated it! Her heart was beating so fast and her entire body was consumed with warmth. Daisy's lips were soft and warm, they weren't chapped at all, and she tasted so sweet. Sadie's senses were overflowing.

Daisy pulls back, opening her baby blue eyes, which were shining. "Let's go out, okay?" Sadie nodded. "Uh-huh." She stammered.

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