Unusual Situation

953 10 13

Ships: Sailey, Drake, past but platonic Jailey, Past Droey
Requested by:Poleyrobby

Fiona sat with her dad, Drew. They sat, waiting for Zoey to pull up. She had settled down with her sugar daddy, after breaking up with Drew.

Fiona, their child from their unsuccessful marriage was now five. She was a bright eyed child but Drew felt horrible. She couldn't remember her parents together.

Zoey pulled up after a few more minutes, Fiona kissing her father's cheek before leaving. "Bye,sweetie. Have a good time." Drew said. He watched sadly as his ex-wife pulled away with their baby girl.

Jake smiled at Sean and Hailey. He was dropping his and Hailey's daughter, Janet, off. He then planned to go on a date with Drew, then stay overnight at his place.

Janet, who was six, hugged her dad. "When can I meet him?" She asked. Hailey smiled. "Not now, honey." She said, patting her daughter's head. Sean smiled as Janet rushes into her step-dad's arms. Jake begins to walk out when Hailey calls, "Have fun, Jake!" To him. He nods and waves. "Bye, Dad!" Jamet calls and Sean bows him head politely as Jake looks back.

Jake rings Drew's doorbell, Drew opened the door and instantly, the couple kissed. "Hmm." Jake hummed into the kiss. "Do you have to do that everytime?" Drew asked, deadpan. "Yes, yes I do." Jake smirked, and Drew fondly rolls his eyes. "If we get married, please not on our wedding day." He smirks. Jake kisses him, humming obnoxiously loud to prove a point. "No" He cooes as Drew smiled. He would've swooned if he wasn't annoyed.

Jake's hand went around his waist, and Drew reconsidered swooning, the gesture was sugary sweet abs made him feel all mushy and warm. "Dinner, my love?" Jake asked. "Sounds perfect. I know just the place." He said.

The two ate and laughed and soon, the restaurant was closing. It was fun, Drew felt a certain warmth  within that he didn't feel with Zoey. He was calm. Jake had the same lighthearted feeling  with Drew as he used to with Hailey, before both flames died out.

They leave, smooching as they got in the car. Long and nice. Jake's lips are always so soft. They always made Drew shiver with happiness.

Jake placed his hand on Drew's thigh, Drew's brain being filled with Jake. Now that you think about it, their relationship was pretty serious. "We shouldn't introduce out kids to each other." Drew blurts out his thoughts. Jake grins. "Amazing idea, Drew." He smiled. Drew's face still went red when Jake smiled like that. Drew would have kissed him right then and there if he wasn't driving. So, he waited until the car stopped at his house to kiss him.

Drew walked into the house, holding hands with Jake. They walked in, put their food away, and went up to Drew's room. Drew was working for his dad's company so he made a lot. He didn't have a mansion, but he had a  two bedroom house, which was very nice. Drew sat on his bed, Jake plopping down next to him. It felt nice, just the two of them. Just like that feeling from highschool. He'd always loved Jake, it took a long time to realize.

"So, Fiona and Janet meeting each other?" Drew nods. "I think it's time." He admitted. "We've been together a while." Jake smiled. "I agree. I think we should introduce them too. I'd love to meet your daughter." Jake admitted. Drew would surely be swooning if he wasn't sitting down.

A kiss made it all worthwhile, Jake smirking into it and it was so sweet it made Drew's sweet tooth satisfied.

Drew laid on his bed, Jake spooning him as they began to fall asleep. It was so easy for Drew, the rest felt so refreshing and natural. Jake kissing the back of his neck as he slept made him super comfortable, and in the morning, he kept begging Jake for 'five more minutes' which ended up being an hour of extra sleep, luckily they both didn't have anywhere to go. Jake chuckled, waking his sleeping boyfriend every five minutes, only for him to beg for more. Jake snuggled with him for a while, knowing he'd have to leave eventually but not wanting to.

Jake finally got up, Drew protesting as the two got dressed. "Do you have to go?" Drew asked. He felt sad his love was leaving. "Yeah, but we'll see each other soon." The two shared a peck before he left.

They planned a cookout at Drew's and a week later, Drew was preparing for it ad Jake was picking up Janet from Hailey's.

"She was telling me about a cookout?" Hailey asks. Jake nodded. "Drew says he's serious enough about us. He wanted to get Fiona and Janet introduced." Jake admitted.

Jake had briefly met Fiona early one morning. She had been getting ready to go to Zoey's, so they didn't talk much. He was excited to talk to her in length. Jake wanted to put a ring on Drew by New Years. The thought of them getting married dazzled Jake. It left him starstruck. Hailey knew, and of course, teased him accordingly.

"You already thinking about a ring?" She smirked. Sean joins in. "He is." Sean said.  Jake laughed nervously. He wasn't sure he liked the confrontation, but did understand why. "Yes... I want him to be mine. I'll put a ring on him by the end of the Year. I'm sure of it." Hailey laughed. "So enthusiastic for it, huh Jake?" Jake nodded. He had the big, glowing anume eyes and everything.

"Go for it." Hailey said. So, Jake went to the cookout, and was certain soon, he'd definitely combine their two families into one happy family.

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