
959 13 46

Requested by:Moondragonice
Tw:Negative Body image and Xander slander (the request, I don’t hate Xander!)

Jake paced around his room, his eyes still red from crying. He missed his friends, and he really screwed himself over by blowing up at Drew. Now that he knew it was Zoey who sent the recording, he was plotting a way to rekindle both friendships with the Music  Club and the Jomies.

He glanced in the mirror and stared in horror. He moved him shirt up and his stomach was round! More than usual, Jake would say. It made him angry. How could this happen? He'd have to hide this insecurity while rekindling these broken friendships.

He walked towards Drew, who narrowed his eyes. "What? You here to yell at me again?" Drew groaned. "No! No, please hear me out. I understand if you're mad. Zoey sent the recording, I know that now. I'm sorry for yelling at you." Jake said. Drew places a hand on Jake's shoulder. "Sure it's okay. You want to eat with us at lunch, Jake?" Drew asked and his face lit up. "Of course!" He cheered.

It was surprisingly easy to gain Drew's trust, and he'll accept you even if you break it. He was very naive, but Jake kind of liked that. It made it easier for him to be friends with Drew. Drew forgave easily, although Jake knew he shouldn't take advantage of it. This was the only time Drew's naive nature was useful anyways.

Jake made Zoey explain what she had done, using her cheating as blackmail again, and the Music club accepted him back. They all seemed to love him. All of them except Xander. He was still seething with rage over Hailey's tears for Jake. Xander wanted to get back at him, so when he caught Jake staring at himself whilst touching his stomach in the mirror, he took the chance and whipped his phone out. The perfect blackmail. Then he approaches Jake. "So, the perfect Jake Sterling can be insecure after all." He smirked, swaying his hips for dramatic effect.

Jake froze in terror as Xander showed the photo to him. "I wonder how people would feel if they saw this. You'd become Drew's new victim. Hailey and Daiay would be disgusted. You'd finally be known as a loser in this school. Tell anyone and I'll airdrop this to the whole school." He sneered and Jake nodded helplessly. "Good boy Jake." He said before walking out.

Xander acted normal in the club room. The light, typical teasing was normal, so no one said a word about it. In the bathroom and outside of school, Xander became a bully. He was constantly tormenting Jake and it made his self confidence go down. Jake needed to get it off his chest.

Drew was setting up the air mattress for Henry and Liam as the two troublemakers were downstairs eating and Jake gulped. He knew Drew would listen to him. It was hard to say though. "Uhm... hey Drew?" He asked. "Yeah, what is it?' He asked. "Xander has been rude to me lately." Drew perked up hearing that. He didn't seemed pleased. "About what?" Drew asked. Hearing Drew genuinely angry gave Jake a strange feeling, his heart fluttered at his friend being overprotective.

"My weight." Jake turned away. Drew envelopes him in a hug before sighing. "You're perfectly healthy, don't let him tell you differently Jake. " Jake hugged back, after all, Drew didn't do affection too much. Even with Zoey, at school it was a show because they were popular.

Drew amped up the bullying on Xander. Instead of comments like usual, he was tripping him in the hallways and laughing as he fell. Luke was angry, but was too afraid to intervene. He could very cut from the competition, which was only days away now!

Xander noticed Jake must have said something and pulled his phone out of his pocket, pointing to the picture and laughing cruelly. Drew was outside the door as soon as Jake texted him and he barged in. "Not even I would ever go that far you freak! Jake isn't overweight, quit making fun of him." Drew got up in his face. "Oh? Make me!" Luke shook his head and Hailey gave her brother a look of disapproval. "That's disgusting Xander. I can't believe you'd so this."

Xander looked down as Drew ran after Jake who left the Music room. Hailey followed and they both found Jake, crying at his locker, and immediately went to comfort him. Jake smiled. "I live you guys." He grinned as the two smiled back.

A/N:Finally! I kept putting this off because of my mental health hating me. So sorry for the wait guys! Another one-shot should be out today or tomorrow

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