Flower in Bloom

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When Milly met Elliot, she thought of him as a flower. Something so sweet that you couldn't help but stare. Then she realized his true identity.

He wasn't a flower, he was a bud waiting to bloom. He hadn't came out of his shell yet, and Milly knew, once he did, many people would love him. He'd always been extremely unique to her, after all. She'd liked him for years now. He was still too shy.

Before she was in the Music Freaks, she was a member of the gardening club. She had always been the littlest bit interested in Elliot, who was typically more shy than the other members. He was cute. He was also very intelligent, he was in accelerated classes, and had a major green thumb. He was the best gardener there, and had even shown interest in farming as a career.

Now, she just enjoyed their time together. He was always showing her new flowers he discovered, and he'd talk about it for hours if he felt the need. He talked, she listened. She had plenty of time to be heard in the Music Room.

He was always smiling, happy always. Milly loved that about him. She had a quick temper that he seemed to be able to balance out. He was never stern with her unless he had to be.

In her diary, she had once referred to him as "My little bud" and that was the page Zoey had decided to rip out. It was so embarrassing. Thank God Jake hadn't read it. Although, he still... heard things. And he saw Milly all red faced over Elliot! That was so embarrassing.

And, whenever he talked, she tended to zone out and hone in on those big brown eyes. They were adorable and amazing to look at. He was entrancing.

He was desperate. "Milly, I want to make some more friends. " he admitted. "Huh?" She asked. Her face was cotton candy pink. "Help me make friends. I want to be as confident as you, Milly. "

He smiled. It broke her heart though, seeing him so sad about being alone. Had he been hiding this all this time? Milly hoped not. "I-I'll help." She stuttered. Elliot looked as if he were about to cheer. "Really? Thanks Milly!" He said.

After that, they worked for weeks on his confidence. He spoke with the Music Freaks and others with ease on week three. Now, he was friends with over twenty people! It was unbelievable that he could finally speak freely.

Milly was proud of him, of course. And she definitely was not jealous of all the girls giving him their utmost attention she was mot jealous of the way they played with his hair and glasses.

She was happy for him. A realization popped into her head. Elliot was no longer just a bud waiting to bloom. He was now a beautiful, sweet flower, showcased to everyone nearby, his newfound confidence was something that had made him exceptionally pretty. Milly smiled at the thought.

Elliot hugs her and smiles. "Thanks, Milly! I love you!" He blurts out. He turns away at that before muttering,"I mean it" Milly kisses his cheek. "I know"

Sean and Luke high five from a distance. They liked Elliot, and Milly was happy with him.

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