Sharing A Bed

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Requested by:AkeelahS

This was an exciting week for Jake. He was about to be sleeping in the same bed as his crush for a week.

They were going out of state for a vacation, and Drew had rented out a two bedroom hotel room. Jake was so excited. He loved being near Drew, and sleeping next to him for a whole week? Yes, please!

Jake was packing when Hailey called. "Yeah?" He asked. "You nearly ready? You're trip is tomorrow." Jake smiled. "Mhm, just doing some last minute packing." Hailey sighs. "Good, I was calling to remind you to pack." She clarifys. "I'm glad to know you have such faith in me, Hail." She laughs. "Just checking. You're not really reliable, you know."

He grumbled in defeat and sighs. "Yeah, well, I'm packing, okay? See you next week." He says..she laughs again. "Yeah... next week." Then hangs up.

Drew's heart fluttered as he practically danced around his room. A week with Jake? Total bliss. Who knows, maybe Jake will realize how much they're meant to be! Drew sure hoped so, he loved Jake so much and was dying to see him. He lays on his bed and smiles. "This will be the perfect trip." He gushes dreamily. "I can't wait."

The next morning, Drew picked everyone up around eight. He yawned and rubbed his eyes as Jake hopped in the front seat. We'll be in the same room. Maybe even the same bed! If he allows it, of course. Jake's mind screamed excitedly. Henry and Liam smiled. Plus, we're going to the beach, so he'll be shirtless.

It was exciting, except the car ride. Henry and Liam both hate flying a lot so it wasn't an option, plus it was only a two hour drive, but the anticipation was killing him! He just wanted to be with Drew, alone so bad.

After their drive, they checked into their hotel and all of them went to their rooms and smiled. "Drew, this place looks great." Jake said. "Oh yeah, one of the best resorts in the state." Drew replied.

"Wanna get ready? This place has a hot tub. You know, before we inevitably get sunburned." Drew offers. "Sure."

They sat in the hit tub for about an hour then went and looked around the town, Drew telling them all about it. "He sure knows a lot." Jake says. "This is one of his family's favorite vacation spots." Liam fills him in. "Makes sense." Jake laughs in embarrassment.

Drew's face lit up as he pointed to a restaurant. "I love this place! It's a sushi restaurant and it's thr best I've ever had. Come on, it's Five in the evening, let's eat!" Drew chirps enthusiastically. "He's... so... cute." Jake whispered, hand over his heart. Liam and Henry both laugh. Drew turned around and looked at them, staring at them in confusion as Jake's face was blood red, and Henry and Liam were laughing.

"Oh, and Jake? Drew's going to be in bed with you tonight. It's the perfect time to make him yours." Henry smirked. Liam burst our laughing and Jake groaned. "We're barely eighteen!" He exclaimed quietly. "I'm not interested in having sex just yet." Jake said. "I understand." Liam said. "Thank you Liam-" Liam smirked. "That you're a wimp." Henry cackled. "Liam! I take back my thanks." Jake said. Drew rushes over to them and then grabs Jake's hand, tugging him towards the restaurant. "Let's go! I'm hungry!" He grumbled. "God, I forgot Drew gets hangry. " Henry muttered.

"Hurry up!" Drew nags them. "I want to eat!" He complains. "Okay, and you will. We're nearly there, Ba-Drew." Henry and Liam burst out laughing.

"You were going to call him 'Babe' weren't you?" Liam smirked. "Oh, Drew, good luck this week. Jake's craving you!" Henry shouts and both boys go red. "Shut up, Henry!"  They shouted on sync.

Drew smiled as he ate, the entire group enjoying the cuisine. "I eat here every time we go here. It's so good!" Drew gushes. "Yeah, it actually is pretty good." Hake agrees, and Henry and Liam hum in agreement, mouths full. "So, this pretty much ends our first day here. I'm pretty tired now." Drew says. "Agreed." Henry said. The other two nodded and hummed in agreement. "We all go back to the hotel and relax after this, who's with me?" Jake asked. "All of us." Drew smiles. He wanted to lean his head on Jake's shoulder, but decides not to, he was just too shy.

They got back to the resort, and Jake hopped in the shower. I can't get Drew out of my mind! He's pretty much consumed all my thoughts! And I almost called him 'Babe' earlier! That was embarrassing, but also, actually kind of smooth. I might tell Drew I love him when we go to sleep tonight. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll pass out before he can hear it! I want him to though, but I'm so nervous.

Jake's mind was running until he turned off the faucet. Then he got out and Drew showered. Drew had pajamas pants with a checkered design on them, and a grey shirt on. Jake had in green sleep pants and a sweatshirt. It was only ten, but Drew was so tired. He didn't Luke staying up late anyways. "Drew, I have to tell you something?" Jake said, well asked. He sounded uncertain.

"You can tell me anything." Drew responded. "I love you! I really can't live without you, and honestly, I don't know why it took me so long to realize it." Drew hugs Jake and they both refused to let go for a minute. "I love you too, Jake." Drew said as he back off. Jake cups his cheek, and they both go in for a kiss. "Mm" Jake hums into it. Drew yawns as they pull apart, and Jake smiled. "Let's go to bed. You're exhausted." Drew rubs his eye and nods. "Yeah."

Jake laid down and Drew lays on the slightly taller boy's chest. "Goodnight." Drew murmured. "Yes, Babe. Goodnight." Drew practically melts as Jake says that. This was so far the best vacation ever, and it had only begun.

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