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Ship: Henriam/ One sided Henlia
Requested by Moondragonice
Henry angst

She didn't like him at all. She thought he was too small, annoying, and obsessed. He just liked her, he wasn't obsessed. He had cried once or twice after Lia rejected him... okay he'd cried a lot more than that, but can you blame him? None of his crushes ever liked him back, that's why he liked Lia, she distracted him from Liam.

They'd met in fifth grade. Liam had stopped someone from bullying him, he was Liam's best friend. They met Drew in middle school, he had been new there that year and approached them. He didn't want to be friendless. Afterwards, Drew introduced Zoey, Lia, and Jake.

Lia was beautiful. Her chocolate brown skin was always glistening. She was glowing from head to toe. She caught his attention away from Liam. He was grateful for it, even if she didn't know anything. Henry knew his crush on Liam wasn't going anywhere.

But now, Lia and Liam had crushed him. He was emotionally drained now, he had  been hurt by them. He had sobbed for both of them. He was getting the look from Drew.

'The look' is a look of sympathy that Drew gave when he was genuinely concerned. Henry gave the look to Drew when he and Zoey were going through relationship problems. They were constantly arguing and their relationship ended with Drew realizing Zoey had been cheating. Zoey brought Jake down with her though, exposing him for never saying anything despite knowing.

Drew had been heartbroken, betrayed by two people at once, so he was showing he cares about Henry because he did. He knew from experience how much it sucks. Henry was grateful, even if he didn't ask, the look made him feel better.

Henry refused his help though. He wanted to learn to cope on his own. He was trying, he wanted a healthy way to cope. He knew Drew occasionally smoked. They were eighteen now and so when Drew had a bad day, he'd smoke. Lia kept telling him not to, but he still wasn't over Zoey, and he still wanted Jake back, but at the same time, couldn't forgive him for not telling him Zoey was cheating.

Anyways, Liam seemed to notice Henry. His eyes lingered on Henry. Once Liam's eyes glazed over his own, suddenly neither could look away. It made Henry's heart race. Liam made Henry's heart race, just like before. Just like when they met, and Liam saved him.

"Henry, somethings wrong. I'll ask you again, are you okay?" He asked. Henry looked down, a single tear slipped from his shut eyelids. He all but shoved himself into Liam's arms. "No, it hurts Liam!" He cries. Liam ruffled his hair and gave it a little kiss, making his heart race. "You know, I've always loved you, Henry." 

"I love you too, Liam." He wiped away his tears. Henry felt much better.

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