Chapter 2- Audition

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Ten minutes later, the door to the assessment room opened again.

The teenager who came out looked like a small soft-haired kitten who was being held up by the scruff of its neck. He hung his head, and there was a dazed look on his face, his expression full of 'who am I?', 'where am I?', and 'what did I just do?'.

In the assessment room, behind the door that was left half open, the three examiners were having a heated dispute with the program producer.

"He doesn't know how to use a gun and missed the target half the time. His hands shook, and he has zero first aid knowledge. We don't need to waste any time on this kind of player." The program producer quickly took a stand after receiving the report.

The examiner gently retorted, "It's not that his hands shook, it was that his entire person shook like a sieve. However, it's possible to train someone how to use a gun, and this player has many unusual qualities."

"Like what? His admirable courage?"

The examiner suggested, "Watch the replay first, and then we can discuss it."

Wu Jin had no idea that the replay of his evaluation video was being replayed on a holographic virtual screen inside the practice room.

The youth with the amber eyes was pale, his lips pressed tightly together. His long eyelashes fluttered frantically with every shot, casting fragmented shadows onto his cheeks.

None of this managed to detract from his beauty.

With looks like these, he presented a fascinating, beautiful scene no matter what he was doing--even if he simply sprawled on the ground like a salted fish.

"How about it?"

The program producer had a benign smile on his face as he spoke, "Perfect. Send this contestant straight to the audition in half an hour."

In the corridor, the still-bewildered Wu Jin soon received a series of warm congratulations from a group of staff members.

He had become a glorious reality show contestant under White Moonlight Entertainment.

"What White Moonlight--"

Wu Jin had just begun to speak when he was packed up and stuffed into a car.

The car slowly floated up and hung suspended in the air via magnetic force, then zoomed off into the air, leaving a high speed light trail in its wake.

The sky outside the window was gray and gloomy, and a corner of a silver-grey city peeked out from a gap between the countless tall buildings. A dazzling and fantastical variety of transportation vehicles hovered in the air and shuttled back and forth.

Wu Jin's eyes were completely round as he stared outside in astonishment.

Everything laid out in front of him was beyond his understanding and knowledge of the world.

He was still staring and dazed when he got out of the car.

He had arrived at a vast area crowded with people. Sponsorship advertisements were stuck to walls that had been coated with some sort of metal paint, and military green supply boxes were continuously being swallowed and spat out from the transportation junction.

The most striking thing was the plane parked in the middle of the space, its huge wing propellers roaring constantly.

The runway extended into the distance.

And in the distance, a vast, endless grassland could be seen.

"Make way, make way. Don't just stand in the way--Those who are doing warm-up exercises should go to the side. We're about to leave." Everyone seemed busy as they bustled about.

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