Chapter 58.2- Divination

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Sure enough, many of the students in the classroom were staring dazedly at the platform. Some of them were still alert––Wei Yan was looking coldly out the window, the tarot deck in front of him still intact. It was obvious that he was a firm atheist.

Sitting near him was the textbook counter-example, Thin Fire. At this time, he was leaning so close he was practically sticking his face against the platform, wishing that he could hold this instructor’s hand and ask him to read the career line on his palm.

To one side, Caesar and Red were chatting together enthusiastically.

At first, Wu Jin had thought that it was because Caesar’s interest in metaphysics was really not high, but after thinking for a moment he realized that it was more that Caesar’s ability to have a wandering mind during class was too high.

On the podium, the divination master Sinra had finished his opening speech and gestured for the trainees to take a look at the deck of cards in front of them.

“The tarot deck, which originated in the 15th century, came into widespread use from the 19th century. It is not only a tool for divination, but also a tool that can be used to inspire the mind. By the 31st century, this mystical card system has extended into thousands of branches, including the flower shadow tarot, cat tarot, and crystal tarot. However, for the next two weeks, I suggest that you focus mainly on the Waite tarot–-which is precisely the deck of cards in front of you.”

“Its creator is a famous member of the Golden Dawn Association, Edward Waite.”

Zoe and Wu Jin exchanged looks.

Regardless of what the rules were for the upcoming round, it was obviously crucial to memorize the meaning of these cards.

“78 tarot cards are composed of 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana. The major arcana are used to illustrate the overall fate trajectory. From the top down, there is The Fool, The Magician, The High Priestess... we’ll be focusing on these 22 major arcana for this course.”

“Minor arcana are divided into four suits: wands, pentacles, swords, and cups. Each suit is divided into numbers from A-10 and also contains four court cards...”

The lesson passed by in a flash.

In the second class, the divination master taught them one of the most basic patterns.

All the trainees pulled out three cards and laid them out one by one, representing the past, the present, and the future. The classroom was full of noise as everyone struggled and racked their brains to interpret the cards based on the instructions.

“We’ve already been given quite a lot of clues.” Zoe pondered as he looked through the instructions, “The remaining question is, what will the tarot deck represent during the game?”

Wu Jin nodded, “And there’s also the hint from ‘Finding you, sheltering you’. Perhaps we’ll only know when we enter the arena––just like the previous game.”

Zoe nodded, then seemed to sense something as he looked beside Wu Jin.

Caesar and Red, who had &#k2018;formed a team to solve the problem’, were busy having a lot of fun.

“A pair of threes!” Caesar slapped down two cards.

Red quickly followed up with, “A pair of sixes!”

Caesar was gleeful, “Four fours! You’re bombed!”

Red laughed loudly, “Four aces! I’m bombing you back!”

Zoe: “......”

Two minutes later, the White Moonlight team voted swiftly, and passed the decision to confiscate Caesar’s 56 minor arcana cards with two votes in support and one abstained vote.

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