Chapter 97.2- Cretaceous Period

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Ming Yao was suffering inside as he told Lin Ke horror stories about giant insects in order to prevent him from losing focus and falling asleep. When he was exhausted, it became Wu Jin’s turn to drag Lin Ke to perform radio gymnastics and dance the Crosson Show theme song.

It was then Sora’s turn.

It was near dusk on the grassland. There were large dinosaurs scattered everywhere, and smaller dinosaurs of various shapes mixed together with life-saving capsules.

Ming Yao sprawled out tiredly and murmured, “So tired, I haven’t slept properly for a few days. I’m still a baby. When the game is over...”

He lifted up his head to look at Wu Jin and was suddenly struck dumb.

Wu Jin had slept even less than he had, but he was actually full of energy as he looked at the Pterosaurs with interest.

––He looked at the big one, the Quetzalcoatlus. The little Pterosaur was being hugged by Wu Jin like a stuffed toy and was currently toying with the zipper of his battle suit.

The clouds were like sparkling water patterns in the light of the setting sun.

Ming Yao talked on intermittently, “Sora said that your captain and my captain were in the brawl just now... Hey, what’s the deal with Caesar? How come he doesn’t even have any equipment... Also, when does the Cretaceous period start...”

Wu Jin froze suddenly and looked up at the fine clouds in the sky in a daze.

“Earthquake clouds...” He suddenly got up from the back of the Diplodocus as many previously neglected details came to mind, “The Jurassic period––from the start of the third evolutionary game, there’s been no clear distinction between the Jurassic period and the Cretaceous period. The Tyrannosaurus Rex, Sarcosuchus, and even the bird-like Harpymimus all appeared at the end of the Cretaceous period, which means that we’re now in a half Jurassic, half Cretaceous, Schrodinger’s Cretaceous period...”

Ming Yao was dizzy, “So?”

Wu Jin, “When the Cretaceous period ends, all dinosaurs and even the Pterosaurs will become extinct.”

Ming Yao was shocked. He leapt up like a carp and looked at the wrist watch on his right hand, “It’s been half an hour. There are 20 players left. If it’s now the Cretaceous period––you mean to say that the final battle is a war of extinction––”

Sora, who was to the side, looked over. The three of them exchanged glances and dragged Lin Ke with them to head to the cave where they’d taken shelter from the last volcano eruption.

Ming Yao summed the facts up on his fingers as they ran, “250 trainees. The first mass reduction was the Permian period extinction. The second was the Triassic period colonization war, and the third was the Triassic period extinction war. The fourth was due to the Jurassic predators like the Allosaurus we encountered. The fifth was the brawl just now. The sixth...”

Ming Yao’s voice seemed to cut off abruptly. “The sixth time. The battle of extinction... is right now.”

The grassland began to shake, and countless dinosaurs fled in panic. The birds fled into the dense forests and caves, while volcanic ash erupted, and an earthquake hit at the same time. The river seemed to fill with a sour taste, and very soon, life-saving capsules wrapped around the dinosaurs and fell to the ground like dumplings.

The mountain range that was once a safe zone at the end of the Triassic period now became the only highland amidst chaos.

“Quickly!” Wu Jin shouted.

Almost all the teams that were still hiding in various places rushed out towards the safe zone.

Two small dinosaurs suddenly sprang out of the sloping ridge and nearly bit Ming Yao before he could kick them away.

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