Chapter 63.2- Temperance Card

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In just a few minutes, Jingyi Entertainment team had rapidly built up the advantages it had on hand as nobody dared to go up against the double sniper combination. However, these minutes also gave Wu Jin a precious opportunity to hide.

The sound of the automated instance mechanism exploded in his ear. Wu Jin tried his best to roll and finally pulled away from Jingyi Entertainment’s line of sight.

A trainee on the other side was shot down by Jingyi Entertainment, his life-saving capsule popping up. Ming Yao unceremoniously picked up his supplies for himself, and a second life-saving capsule soon popped up––this time, their opponent dropped a card.

Wu Jin calculated in his mind and was frightened by his conclusions. Jingyi’s double c had gotten together too early, forming an overwhelming advantage at the beginning of the round and snowballing as they accumulated resources. In this Temperance card instance, once they changed it to the card they had in their hands––

The consequences would be unthinkable.

On his side, the instance attacked Wu Jin again.

Wu Jin was in a difficult situation, and his heart was filled with regret. Why had he chosen ‘material’?! Another way of thinking about it barely gave him a bit of comfort: Choosing ‘spirit’ would mean getting sniped at by the two Jingyi snipers, but choosing ‘material’ just meant he was shot at three times––he was only getting shot by one extra instance gun, there wasn’t much of a difference!

Wu Jin heaved a sigh at the bottom of his heart, but his gaze was sweeping over the scattered cups in the field.

The glittering gold and silver chalices seemed to be connected by invisible dotted lines that started from the bunker where Wu Jin was hiding and passed through the area controlled by Jingyi Entertainment’s firepower.

Countless scenarios filtered through his mind. Hypothesis, rejection, hypothesis, another rejection––

There were 48 chalices in the instance. In the N15 direction from the bunker, he would only be able to steal 4 from under Jingyi Entertainment’s noses.

1 gold, 3 silver.

After two players were eliminated, there were still 10 ‘material’ people and 7 ‘spirit’ people.

In order to maximize the benefits of the four chalices, he would have to use them right at the cutting edge––the moment the situation changed.

Wu Jin slowly closed his eyes. By the time they opened again, they flashed with a cold light.

The youth took a deep breath.

The red dot from the instance weaponry once again aimed at Wu Jin, who was creeping forward on the ground. The gunfire from Jingyi Entertainment that was clearing the area was also approaching the bunker Wu Jin was hiding behind.

From behind a thick patch of grass, a youth dressed in army green bulletproof armor leaped out like a thunderbolt!

The basic rifle was slung over his shoulder, and Wu Jin held the submachine gun in both hands. His left hand was fixed firmly on the butt of the gun, and a slightly bloody bandage could be seen in the gap of his broken armor. His eyes were cool from concentration, and when he raised his chin, his gaze clashed directly with that of Zuo Botang’s.

The gun fired at full speed!

Wu Jin’s movements were extremely stable, and he didn’t require himself to shoot accurately. His injured right arm only needed to pull the trigger, and he used his left hand to hold the butt of the gun steady.

Compared with the double snipers, his biggest advantage lay in the speed and continuity of his gunfire. The submachine gun that he traded for with the Ace of Swords was equipped with 60 bullets, with a maximum firing speed of up to 100 rounds per minute. For the next three seconds, Wu Jin wasn’t stingy with bullets at all, forcing the Jingyi double c-positions to head for shelter.

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