Chapter 62.2- Jingyi

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He forced himself to look away and run towards the exit to the instance. Four or five other trainees chose to escape at the same time.

The atmosphere in the instance was balanced on a precipice, but nobody dared to shoot again under Wei Shi’s deterrence. Wu Jin took the chance to run out to the corridor. Suddenly, the loud noise of moving mechanisms rang out from the instance behind him––

Wu Jin looked back in surprise.

At this time, only seven of the trainees had run out, but the door to the instance had closed with a bang! In the dim light coming out from the last remaining gap in the door, he could see that Wei Shi was standing in the middle of the elevated platform, showing neither sorrow or joy as he reached out to pick up the suspended card.

Wu Jin stilled.

What did the big boss do? Why did the door that symbolized the clearing of an instance close?

And that card––

Wu Jin suddenly looked at the archway with its repeated patterns. The pattern beneath the altar flickered slightly, forming a Roman numeral––“III”.

At the same time, the trainees who had escaped from the instance together finally took note of each other. Wu Jin’s expression stiffened, and he ran ahead quickly before fighting broke out in the corridor.

At the end of the corridor was a three-way junction.

Wu Jin went to the right without thinking–-the corridor to the right was narrow, light coming through from up ahead. There were floating motes of dust in his dimmed vision, but Wu Jin’s heart was suddenly beating quickly.

A supply box!

The first supply box to appear after entering the game––it wasn’t inside an instance, but rather in a corridor that anyone could pass through.

Wu Jin moved forward swiftly.

The structure of the supply box was obviously different from that of the previous elimination match. It couldn’t be broken open by brute force, nor could a keyhole be seen. Instead, there was an additional card slot on top of the box.

The clue that had been found in the envelope suddenly reappeared in his mind––”Use your cards to exchange your fate.”

Wu Jin didn’t hesitate to put the Ace of Swords into the card slot. The supplies box creaked, then gurgled as it spat out a gun.

A submachine gun! Wu Jin finally let out a relieved breath. In the third elimination match where exchanges of gunfire were held within a 50 meter distance, submachine guns and shotguns were much more ferocious than a basic rifle.

Cards could be exchanged for supplies, and supplies and cards could be snatched away. The benefit of retaining the cards was far lower than that of trading in the cards to arm themselves.

Wu Jin went on to put in the second tarot card, the Six of Cups that he’d drawn at the start of the game. This time, a bulletproof vest was spat out.

Wu Jin put it on and upgraded his defenses before walking forward slowly with the submachine gun in hand.

At this time, the team communication channel that had undergone a long period of silence finally came alive again.

Zoe: “I’m out.”

Wu Jin and Wen Lin both immediately responded, but there was no response from Caesar.

Wu Jin’s heart thumped, but Zoe quickly interjected, “He should still be fighting. The end time for each instance isn’t the same. What did you guys come across?”

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