Chapter 3- Big Boss

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Wu Jin's situation at this time was quite similar to that of a stray cat dragging along a plastic bag.

He was dragging his parachute canvas, along with miscellaneous branches and leaves, through the hills.

The sky gradually grew dim. The distant landscape condensed into a silent, dark shadow, and the damp, earthy smell of the soil was richer than it had been earlier.

Over the past half an hour, Wu Jin had already tried all the ways he could think of to save himself.

First, he had tried falling in order to deliberately trigger the emergency rescue mechanism.

Then, he spent a lot of effort digging in an open area and attempted to write SOS and call for help from the outside world.

Half an hour later, however, not only had he completely lost the trust of the law enforcement machine, he had also lost a precious shovel in the process of digging out the letters.

He had gone from being a vibrant lead dancer to a completely exhausted marmot.

"Final warning, requesting contestant 300012 to enter battle within five minutes."

Wu Jin muttered under his breath as he set down the waterproof canvas, then turned back and solemnly retorted, "Contestant 300012 has clearly been working very hard!"

In the next second, his eyes turned wide in astonishment.

Further along in the direction he had been headed, he could hear the sounds of water flowing along a riverbed--as well as the sound of gunfire and bullets.

"!!!" Wu Jin unhesitatingly tossed his parachute away. He made a muffled sound, then turned around and ran back the way he'd come.

The sounds of gunfire in the distance paused, and the sound of two or three pairs of footsteps quickly approached Wu Jin.

Wu Jin's heart was beating so fast it was at its limit.

According to the prompts provided by the wrist watch on his right arm, the selection process for the Crosson reality show audition was very simple and straightforward--

Contestants were only equipped with the most basic of survival tools at the start of the competition, and all the survival and combat resources they would need were scattered all over the map.

The last 10 contestants to survive would be promoted to the next stage.

This reminded Wu Jin of the 80 dollars an hour real-person CS he had once purchased through group buying.

The difference was that this audition map was far beyond anything he had ever known.

Judging from the sound of gunfire behind him, it seemed that the fight he had run from was extremely fierce.

This was the exact opposite of what Wu Jin had predicted would happen half an hour ago.

The entire map was very large. Given the stipulation that the remaining survivors would win, and there was no reward for kills in this competition, the strategy of remaining in the woods was far better than engaging in head-to-head conflict, and there would be no possibility of large-scale gunfights.

Unless--the resources that could be obtained were rich enough to make the players take the risk despite the danger to their lives.

How could that be possible?!

While he was still speculating, a bullet suddenly shot out from behind him and struck the pile of fallen leaves two meters away from Wu Jin.

Wu Jin's brain instantly whited out, and all thoughts and deliberations regarding the rules of the game disappeared, leaving only scenes of bloody slaughter.

Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually-?!Where stories live. Discover now