Chapter 88.1- Pelycosaur

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Lightning suddenly split across the night sky, and big raindrops fell like blades with almost enough force to create deep holes in the ground.

Their field of vision seemed grim.

There were about 13 or 14 lizards in total. The biggest one was close to three meters long and the smallest was still over one meter. They were more like crocodiles than lizards––their bellies were close to the ground, and they were covered with armored scales from head to tail. Their thick jaws seemed to have the same origin as the two Anteosaurus from the lake.

The most frightening thing about them was the bright red, sticky, towering spine sails on their backs.

They looked like bloody ribs that had been cut open and inserted on the back of a crocodile in a disgusting form of deterrence.

Lin Ke’s throat moved convulsively, and he was about to let loose with a loud scream on the spot––

Ming Yao clutched him around the waist and pressed him down tightly while covering his mouth with a hand, “Ancestor! Don’t... holy shit, what the hell is that?!”

Wu Jin’s heart leapt up to his throat. Everything in front of him was far beyond his expectations.

“Pelycosaurs.” Wu Jin’s voice was hoarse.

Ming Yao: “What???”

The theoretical information from the handout flashed quickly across Wu Jin’s eyes, and his memory searched rapidly through numerous indexed entries, flipping pages and positioning them in a flash as he analyzed everything in the scene in front of him and put it all together.

No, the era wasn’t right, how could they be here at this time––

The first giant lizard looked up. Its head was one size smaller than the Anteosaurus, but its head was just as hard and strong. Smelly saliva dripped down its jaw and mixed with the rain, and giant, scale-covered claws protruded outwards!

“Run!” Wu Jin didn’t hesitate anymore as he sent out a short signal.

Behind them, the lizards burst out with speed that was faster than theirs.

The huge fern leaves were pelted by the rain, and the sound of roaring almost deafened the four people. Wu Jin could clearly detect the sound of their lashing tails smashing against the trees.

Out of the four of them, Ming Yao and Sora were the fastest sprinters, with Wu Jin second. Lin Ke could only follow behind them. After passing a certain turning point, Ming Yao and Wu Jin suddenly turned back and pulled Lin Ke forward half a step&#k2013;&#k2013;

There was a ripping sound.

Lin Ke shuddered and removed his protective jacket. When he looked at the back, he saw that the tough fabric had been clawed up by a lizard.

“Quickly find shelter.” Ming Yao’s expression changed sharply, “These things aren’t easy to deal with––”

Wu Jin made a prompt decision, “Up the tree.”

Ming Yao stilled for a moment, then immediately showed a look of joy.

These disgusting things could only walk close to the ground. They were surrounded by large stretches of giant, towering trees. As humanoid mammals, they belonged to the Homo sapiens species and were survival show trainees. They had an absolute aerial advantage.

Taking advantage of when the group of monsters were distracted by Lin Ke’s protective clothing, Wu Jin quickly jumped up onto the thick calamite behind him. In the great fern forest, the reed-like plants grew higher than any other vegetation, and there were bamboo-like knots on the brown trunks––

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