Chapter 112.2- Not Allowed To Misbehave

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The suspension car finally arrived back at the base.

During the time when Caesar and Red were still laughing so hard their hands and feet were like jelly, Wu Jin fled out the car so fast he was practically flying. His head wasn’t clear due to the alcohol––he quickly shook awake the Ming Yao who was still in a stupor and reminded him, “Candles, candles, candles!”

Ming Yao had still been as drunk as a shiba inu one second, but he became as energetic as a husky in the next. He clapped Wu Jin on the shoulder, his words slurred, “It’s been hard... on you... for remembering, your brother, I, haven’t cared about you in vain... I’ll take the team captain up now, and when the window opens, you can sing the happy birthday song. Also, remember, remember, remember to––”

Wu Jin perked up his ears and listened hard.

Ming Yao gave a drunken hiccup, “Remember, you definitely can’t––can’t sing out of tune! Alright, see you later!”

“......” You rich second generation people really have high requirements!

After Ming Yao left, Wu Jin could only pull Caesar and Red together to quickly do a rehearsal. Caesar seemed to already have one foot in the clouds, “Hahahaha what kind of immortal joke is this, ah, Contestant Wei isn’t singing with us?”

Red quickly diverted his fellow brother away from this topic.

The three of them managed a rehearsal during the time it took for the Jingyi team to head upstairs, but their tune wasn’t completely in sync.

Wu Jin was going crazy: It was just a happy birthday song!

He had no choice but to temporarily become a male group’s vocalist in order to fix up the singing of the other two . Beneath the light from the flickering candles, Wu Jin forcefully turned a survival show men’s group into an acapella chorus group all by himself. However, Red had already gotten high from the drinking and would start randomly rapping in the song whenever Wu Jin wasn’t paying attention.

Wei Shi stood there in the shadow beneath the trees, a faint hint of a smile on his face.

They waited until the Jingyi dormitory lights turned on.

Wu Jin lifted his head up with a swish, “Get ready! Get ready!”

Red called out with a drunken breath, “DJ, drop the beat!”

The window swept open.

Zuo Botang looked down from upstairs and scolded, “What’ll you do if you fall out? If you end up going head first from the window, you’ll be playing in the next round in a wheelchair––”

The bright, heart-shaped candles outside seemed like an interwoven cluster of stars.

Zuo Botang stilled.

Wu Jin: “One, two! Happy birthday to you~”

Wu Jin, Red, and Caesar followed with the second sentence, “Happy birthday to you~~”

Ming Yao pounced over and pulled out a paper crown colored with crayons from the drawer, wanting to place it on his captain’s head. Zuo Botang reflexively tried to hide, but Ming Yao jumped up and down and messed about endlessly, causing Zuo Botang to give him a steady look. His expression seemed to be six parts touched, two parts helpless, one part awkwardness, and one part stiffness––

Just like a male protagonist in a quantum romance novel that could be infinitely divided up.


Wu Jin and Caesar: “Happy birthday to youuuuuuu~”

Red was freestyling, “Hey, check it out, what’s up buddy, yo yo yo today’s our Captain Zuo’s birthday, let’s have a segment of freestyle for our fellow brothers, skrskr&#k2026;”

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