Chapter 65.2- Cooperation

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Inside the instance, the situation was as Wu Jin had expected. The Jingyi double c-positions had taken the initiative in action.

For them to take the Lovers card as their trump card meant that Jingyi obviously had a very thorough understanding of the rules of this instance.

From behind shelter, Wu Jin squinted as he stared at the actions of the Jingyi team across from him––compared with his previous practice of complex logical reasoning, at this time, his method of figuring out the rules was simple and crude.

He would follow suit and do whatever Jingyi did, and then scan the scoreboard above the instance from time to time.

Inside the Garden of Eden, snakes swirled under their feet, and golden apples swayed on the branches. There was a fire burning in the distance, and the river swept on fearlessly.

Amongst the Jingyi double c, Zuo Botang was in a higher position as he kept guard, occasionally shooting at the snakes in the grass like he was on a hunting tour, while Ming Yao opened up a high-powered scope to snipe down the shaking apples.

In the first six minutes of the game, Jingyi’s double c scored 26 points. The team with the next highest score only had 12 points.

Wu Jin was still observing everything from the darkness behind the bunker. Wei Shi leisurely walked the rabbit, occasionally getting pulled along by the rabbit, and only lifted his hand when it was necessary to shoot––the little black snakes transformed into life-saving capsules and rumbled as they rolled away.

Fire streaked down from the top of the instance, but it didn’t land evenly over each team’s heads.

Wu Jin was especially taken care of by the fire from the sky. The grass where the two men were staying was soon turned into charred remains, and Wu Jin once again switched to a different place to observe in secret.

On the scoreboard, the two people had only scored two points from sniping the snakes and tied with another group for rock bottom.

A long time later, Wu Jin finally took a deep breath. His eyes sparkled when he turned back, and it was clear that he’d already figured out the rules. “Sniping apples for points can reduce the chances of being hit by the fire...”

Wei Shi raised his eyebrows, “Go?”

Wu Jin nodded.

Wei Shi: “Apples or Jingyi.”

Wu Jin was happy and excited, “Jingyi! Let’s take them down!”

The man made a sound of acknowledgement, his finger sliding lightly over the trigger. He followed Wu Jin and headed forth.

Beneath them was the fast-flowing river, and around them were the stray bullets that whizzed by and the raging fire from above. Jingyi Entertainment occupied the best terrain, and the double snipers cooperated tacitly with each other, their attacks and defense completely unhindered.

Zuo Botang kept guard in front of Ming Yao, and the supplies they collected were piled up into a small hill. The two men used a combination of the high-powered scope and a wide-angle field of vision to improve their scouting and simultaneously formed a fierce line of fire.

The path from the place where Wu Jin and Wei Shi were to Zuo Botang’s first line of defense was fraught with danger and difficult to traverse.

If he didn’t have big boss as a teammate, Wu Jin would have less than a fifty percent confidence in this strategy.

The youth turned slightly.

The man nodded his chin to indicate that he was right behind him. Wu Jin tossed the shotgun behind his back and switched back to the submachine gun as his main weapon. The corners of his mouth curved upwards as he turned back.

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