Chapter 72.1- Wheel of Fortune

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Wu Jin put back the book with the QR code and asked quickly, “Brother Caesar, what scarf are you talking about?”

At this time, the door to the interview room opened, and Wei Yan came out with a stiff expression on his face.

Behind him, the divination instructor Sinra was still talking endlessly, “I see a lively and unrestrained spirit in Little Wei’s body, which is your natural disposition and nature that hasn’t been extinguished...”

The two stage managers in charge of the audio looked at each other, “Is he talking about Contestant Wei??”

Wu Jin greeted Wei Yan, then pushed open the door and walked inside.

The divination master Sinra immediately showed a soft smile, “What a strange wheel of life! Dear, I think you and metaphysics are predestined. Let me give you 100 fortune telling coupons for the Centaurus Society. You can arrange a draw and give them to your fans if you can’t use them all.”

Wu Jin was in a daze, “... Thank, thank you, instructor...”

Sinra’s spirits continued to rise, “Little Witch is one of the only two who saw through the entire competition clearly. Instructor Sinra favors you quite a lot.”

There was a click, and the virtual projection opened up.

The map for the third elimination match was displayed in front of their eyes, and Wu Jin looked up, his eyes wide.

The six cards were set up across a cross, and four cards were scattered loosely next to them, forming the reflection of a cross when connected together.

Sinra followed the script and finished asking the interview questions, then gestured for Wu Jin to look at the screen.

“The Celtic Cross, one of the oldest and purest card formations in the Waite Tarot. In 1888, a group of mystical scholars founded the Golden Dawn Society in London, England, and taught this spread to their disciples.”

“It was an era that’s now known as legend.” Sinra smiled slightly, “European metaphysics, as represented by Hermeticism, was at its peak––a combination of astrology, alchemy, tarot, and Kabbalah that had amazing vitality.”

He handed a stack of tarot cards to Wu Jin and asked warmly, “Does Little Witch believe in metaphysics?”

Wu Jin paused slightly. As a 21st century youth who grew up under the light of materialism, he trusted science and technology more than metaphysics. His reply was polite, “The concept is very attractive.”

Sinra nodded to acknowledge his words and wasn’t surprised, “Metaphysics is a mentor for the mind, and I would prefer to describe it as ‘channeling the mind’ than ‘superstition’. Take tarot as an example – it opens up a warm atmosphere for communication and places diviners in a comfortable psychological state, allowing them to mediate their emotions and comb through their perceptions. To this day, tarot cards are still one of the complementary therapy methods that many psychiatrists are good at.”

Wu Jin was surprised and raised his head to look at the instructor.

Sinra had a common Viking immigrant lineage that was prevalent in Centaurus. He was tall, and his voice was deep. He shrugged again, “If you like it, there’s no harm in trusting it.”

“Some people say that the rapid development of science and technology will inevitably lead to a decline in metaphysics. I personally don’t believe it.” Sinra laughed and continued, “In fact, ever since the 14th century, mysticism has always been connected with science and technology. In particular, in alchemy and astrology, many sages would spread their research results in the form of a ‘pseudo code’, under the guise of wisdom from Hermes so as to avoid severe religious persecution and lay out the foundation for science and technology. Do you remember the last hymn before the sacrifice?”

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