Chapter 9- Debut

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The Crosson Reality Show was bustling with activity.

The waiters respectfully provided them with plain water instead of champagne after they presented their contestant number tags, as contestants were prohibited from drinking alcohol before the competition.

Passers-by would excitedly ask for autographs when they saw the sign on the contestants' chests as they made their way through the audience.

"Are you guys trainees under White Moonlight?" The corner they occupied was soon filled with chattering fans, "We are die-hard fans of Team Leader Lin! However, Team Leader Lin has been competing in the Deep Space Competition Zone these past two days and definitely won't be able to come. Keep it up, you guys! White Moonlight's men will never admit defeat!"

Wu Jin immediately realized that these little fans were referring to the Team Captain of White Moonlight's official team.

Both Caesar, the assault player, and Zoe, the sniper player, were completely at ease in this situation, even while they reminded Wu Jin to lower the brim of his hat.

Wu Jin gaped at them: "......"

"The program group sold all of the advertisement spaces for the time slots before, during, and after your appearance on stage, totaling up to a full six minutes--for the sake of recovering their investment, the program producer repeatedly reminded us to hide your appearance properly." Zoe explained gently, "Of course, you'll be given more of the endorsement fee as well."

After speaking, he blinked his eyes, "A lot more."

Wu Jin thought about it. At the moment, he was still considered an unregistered resident, and there was a chance that large-scale spending would also attract Federal attention. He couldn't help but sigh internally.

Within the auditorium, the ladies were exquisitely dressed, wearing elaborate gauze and mesh hats, and the gentlemen were dressed in formal ties and suits, their demeanor elegant.

Caesar languidly explained, "Women must wear hats with a base width of at least 12cm. Dresses must reach below the knee and can't have spaghetti straps. Men... Aiya, it's enough just to look at the girls, who cares about the men! Do you know why the survival show makes so much money? The audience is full of leisurely people who have nowhere to spend their money..."

Sniper Zoe used reason to retort, "Looking at Crosson's annual financial reports, their biggest income stream is not from ticket sales, but from sponsorships. The most important thing is the life-saving capsule. After all, they are a necessity for survival. Certain events occurring in an important round can cause the life-saving capsule stock of a miscellaneous brand to sell out completely. Other than that, there are also weapons, drugs, tourism-related things..."

All sorts of complex feelings welled up in Wu Jin's mind.

A thousand years later, science and technology had flourished beyond imagination. Interstellar navigation had led to the development of countless industries, and even the audiences' preferences had undergone qualitative changes.

A banner fluttered above the qualified contestant zone, displaying Crosson Show's slogan.

"Courage, Fearlessness, Cream of the Crop."

Wu Jin had begun to look for a familiar figure within the crowd as soon as he entered.

However, Wei Shi still hadn't appeared.

The evaluation match began right on time amidst a scene of jubilation and revelry.

Three distinguished judges took their seats and the first group of contestants came up on to the stage to prepare for battle.

Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually-?!Where stories live. Discover now