Chapter 86.2- Permian Period

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Lin Ke kept talking and consumed more water than an ordinary person. At this time, the river was clear and calm, but Lin Ke always remembered the scene of the giant dragonfly dipping its huge butt into the river to lay eggs.

Wu Jin also filtered his drinking water. When he bowed his head, he could occasionally see the shape of common fish and salamanders in the water.

Over billions of years of evolution, they could still remain and avoid countless extinctions and natural disasters. Their evolution was far, far ahead of the other species.

Beside him, Lin Ke had drunk his fill of water and jumped up again.

At this time, they were close to the meeting point with their third teammate. Based on the parachute distribution at the start, it was impossible to determine if there were other trainees around, and Lin Ke had no choice but to lower his voice.

During Wu Jin’s efforts to calculate the resource line, Lin Ke had already moved from Godzilla to talking about his own dachshund, then back to Godzilla again, talking exaggeratedly, “Just its footprint was this–––big!”

Wu Jin took another two steps, then turned back to look at Lin Ke, who’d frozen in place.

Lin Ke pointed in a certain direction, “Look...”

The soft sand by the river was very deep, and a series of footprints appeared from deep in the forest. It seemed that whatever it was had just come to the sand to take a look before returning to the forest.

The footprints were 50cm long and 30cm deep. The first and last toes were short, and the middle three toes were long.

Wu Jin sucked in a breath and quickly pressed his hand to the ground. The earth transmitted back a dull tremor from somewhere off in the distance.

More than one.

According to the footprints, ‘it’ should be around five meters long and walking on all four feet. It should travel in groups with its companions and was likely a slow-moving, large creature without the attack capabilities of a hunter. It probably fed on the dense ferns nearby, and in order to keep such a huge body functioning, ‘it’ must eat constantly––

Wu Jin quickly followed the footprints into the forest. “Come.”

Lin Ke was close behind him.

The footprints became messier in the jungle, but with more sample footprints, the creature’s basic gait could now be observed. “The hind legs are upright, and the forelimbs extend to the sides. Lizard.” Wu Jin thought about the lizard from his visit to the zoo two days ago, “Its gait is a cross between mammals and lizards.”

“This kind of gait is a characteristic of the Therapsida, a dominant species during the Permian period.”

“Herbivorous.” Wu Jin added, “They’re similar in size to an elephant.” He carefully observed the signs of vegetation being eaten along the way, “Their heads are at around three meters high. From their center of gravity, their head is heavier and bigger&#k2013;&#k2013;”

Lin Ke was suddenly struck by inspiration, “Their center of gravity is tilted towards their head, so they can’t run quickly?”

Wu Jin’s eyes sparkled.

Lin Ke was also itching to have a go, “In any case, they can’t outrun us, and our teammates are also in that direction. Do you want to go over and have a look?”

Wu Jin nodded, “We’ve walked for about half an hour, and the resource line is obviously not near the river. If it’s not by the river, then none of the contestants will be able to find it, and there must be a prompt from the competition––”

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