Chapter 126.2- Cut Him

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Zuo Botang’s figure was moving confidently towards Ming Yao.

He reached out to him.

Ming Yao, who was still eating melon, froze. Adrenaline and dopamine reacted before his consciousness could, and the back of his neck turned uncontrollably red. His eyelids kept blinking and twitching––

Zuo Botang came to a sharp realization. The ultimate goal was to form an alliance with Little Ming, which meant that he could invite Little Ming’s teammate to dance instead. The right hand that had originally been stretching out towards Ming Yao slowed down, and he turned to the young woman beside Ming Yao. Zuo Botang bent over in a gentlemanly manner, the sniper’s slender, beautiful hand facing palm up.

The little sister was in a daze as she placed her hand in his.

Zuo Botang ‘followed convention’ and dropped a courtesy kiss on it.

Ming Yao stiffened.

When the captain turned his head, he quickly showed his signature smile, “Great! I get it, I’ll invite captain’s teammate in a minute––!”

Zuo Botang followed the music to the middle of the dance floor. Beneath the crystal lights, the Jingyi sniper gently turned into the most elegant of gentlemen, and the female teammate’s cheeks were a little red.

After two or three seconds, Ming Yao finally came back to his senses and said, “... Oh, go and invite... the captain’s teammate.”

At the exit to the dance floor, Wu Jin and Wei Shi finally disappeared.

Before they left, a ghost waiter appeared out of nowhere and bowed to the two of them, “Guests of the King, please don’t forget to be at the Parliament Hall at 9 o’clock tomorrow evening. We are waiting for your arrival. The king will reward every warrior who fought for the glory of France.”

Wu Jin listened attentively.

The waiter didn’t say much else and only respectfully opened the door to the corridor for the two of them, “...You’re leaving so early. It must be that the ball was too noisy. Please rest assured that in the next ball... the King will only invite real nobles...”

The ghost walked through the hall, and the projection disappeared into the empty wall leading back to the dance floor.

Wu Jin looked at its back and said, “Invite real nobles. The admission rules for the next dance will be narrowed down! In the first game, those who have identity cards won’t be eliminated, but in the second game, only those with ‘noble identities’ can continue to play.” Wu Jin calculated quickly, “The aristocrats of Versailles only account for a small number of players. If we have to find a card––”

The lights in the corridor compartment were dim.

The camera took a few shots, then flew back to the Hall of Mirrors. The big boss gave him an unusual look.

Wu Jin suddenly became alert and shrank back into the corner.

His brain turned around and around, womenswear, womenswear, breaking up, returning the goods, womenswear...

Wei Shi opened his mouth, “Two minutes left.”

Wu Jin covered his head, “What!”

Wei Shi: “There’s two minutes before they come out.”

Wu Jin suddenly realized. The big boss was talking about Vera and Chu&#k2013;&#k2013;

Wu Jin was suddenly pressed into the dead angle of the camera. Wei Shi came up and directly demanded the &#k2018;benefits’ he wanted.

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