Chapter 16- Elimination Series

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Within the shadows, Wu Jin’s back straightened instantly.

If the place where Wu Jin was standing represented the camera’s location, then based on Wei Shi’s positioning he could only be called barely qualified from a camera interaction perspective.

However, his entire existence was like a sharp bayonet––he clearly appeared cold, but because he was too powerful, it made those who were on the receiving end of his gaze feel like they were set ablaze, hot wine wrapped in flames burning straight into the viewer’s pupils, blasting apart their minds.

His aggressiveness was too strong.

Wu Jin didn’t dare to move at all, like a little rabbit that had been firmly nailed in place within the shadows.
It wasn’t until the bandage had been removed from the man’s arm––Wu Jin finally came back to his senses, speaking with worship in his gaze, “I saw it clearly!”

Then, he hurried over to the big boss to hand in his homework, “We should use our own strong presence to drive the lens rather than pandering to the camera...”

Wei Shi bowed his head to look at him. The youth’s originally bright amber eyes were rounded from excitement, his eyelashes’ gentle movements making them gleam like warm and intimate cat’s eye stones, scattering and reflecting glimmers of light.

But Wu Jin was soon slightly depressed once again, “But I...”

Wei Shi glanced over and understood right away.

He smelled like a soft and fluffy rabbit, pulled on a bandage the way one would fly a kite, the words ‘well behaved and obedient’ were written all over his face, and his small arms were pale and tender and could be kneaded flat with a casual pinch.

There was no need to mention strong presence; even if he turned fierce, it would end up being the type that made others want to pick him up by the ears and smooth out his fur.

Wei Shi raised his brows, “No rush. First, finish the elimination match, then try to find the right feel.”

Wu Jin was finally relieved.

Regardless of whether he knew what he was doing or not, big boss
was the backbone of this operation!

Inside the training room, Wu Jin came back to life and was once again full of vigor.

He acted like he was offering up a treasure as he held out the aiming compensator for Wei Shi to take a look––11 compensation units, which was below the novice deviation level.

After a full week of intense training, Wu Jin could finally get rid of his label as a ‘blind little guy’, remove the compensation equipment, and officially begin to practice shooting like a professional player.

“Big Brother,” Wu Jin was full of anticipation as he spoke, “The compensator... Can I keep it?”

Wei Shi had given him the aiming compensator a week ago, and it had followed Wei Shi from the entertainment company to the Crosson Show. He had installed and removed it no less than three times every day, and the silver-grey machinery had been polished until it shone.

Wei Shi nodded; Wu Jin’s eyes lit up. His small curls seemed to reflect his joy and appeared particularly fluffy as he slipped away from the machine gun stand and stood up.

The two of them were instantly in close proximity––

Wei Shi narrowed his eyes and thought to himself that this little rabbit spirit was really very sticky. The moment his line of sight slid across those small curls, his right hand subconsciously rubbed against the barrel of his gun.

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