Chapter 63.1- Temperance Card

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Behind the door was a dark, enclosed space.

Wu Jin had been too rushed when he entered the door and only had time to glance at the engraved pattern above the door––the Roman numeral “VI”.

This was instance number six.

Inside the space, the youth gasped for breath, and it took a long time before he recovered his strength. Jingyi Entertainment’s two snipers’ firepower was extremely fierce when they cooperated together. In the absence of his teammates, simply surviving had already pushed Wu Jin to his limits.

His bulletproof armor was scratched in three places, and he’d been wounded once––fortunately, the Crosson Show’s modified bullets were much gentler than live ammunition. If this was the underground survival show, his wound would probably have been dripping with blood by now.

Wu Jin lifted his head and looked cautiously over to the other side of the enclosed space.

The existence of this enclosed space was unexpected, but it wasn’t difficult to understand with a little applied thought. The clearance and opening times of the instances varied, and the enclosed compartment was like a buffer area that allowed contestants to enter the instances at appropriate times according to the rules.

The second instance was an instance that required a ‘preparation area’.

The competition used the preparation area as a way of regulating the players. At the same time, the players could make preparations and trigger certain conditions in order to enter the instance.

There were two goblets on the small table inside this closed compartment, one to the left and one to the right.

Wu Jin looked over them quickly, then opened up the team communication channel again.

At present, the most important thing was to reunite with his teammates and find out why Jingyi Entertainment was so focused on sniping him.

It was a common strategy in the elimination matches to clear out A-level trainees quickly in order to obtain better rankings, but Jingyi Entertainment, who had always been low-key until now, was obviously behaving more brazenly and recklessly than any other player right now.

It wasn’t only because their double c-positions had gathered together; Jingyi Entertainment was also full of confidence, and it was clear that they had obtained some kind of hidden card that gave them the courage to think they were now invincible.

And judging from the way they had used their gunfire to send Wu Jin to the entrance to the instance––this hidden card of theirs could only play out to its greatest effect in an instance.

The team communication channel was back up again.

Zoe’s heart fell back into his chest when Wu Jin spoke.

“Compartment? Preparation area?” The White Moonlight sniper was surprised.

Wu Jin nodded quickly, “Instance number six. If nothing unexpected happens, the two snipers from Jingyi will also have come in. How are you doing over there?”

Unexpectedly, Zoe brought them the first piece of good news since the start of the match––using the direction of the light as a guide, he’d found the instance that Wu Jin had first entered, the door numbered ‘3’.

Wu Jin’s eyes brightened.

As long as Zoe could pass the instance, he would be able to go back and join up with Zoe by heading back along his original route, and no longer be suppressed both left and right by the team from Jingyi Entertainment.

The two of them quickly agreed on a strategy, and Wu Jin added, “Try to grab another wands card, so we can gather together all the clues for the rules of the game. Also, we need to know the longest permissible time between fights, since it’s proportional to the size of the map.”

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