Chapter 97.1- Cretaceous Period

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Wu Jin’s heart skipped a beat.

The beast’s bulging eyes stared coldly at Wu Jin, reflecting the frightened, round, amber eyes and the seized supplies that were piled up to Wu Jin’s chin––

Wu Jin tossed the supplies away and turned around to run, “Oh god AHHHH––”

The jungle shook violently.

Wu Jin didn’t even pull out his tranquilizer gun as he ran for his life.

Even if four months of training had transformed Wu Jin completely from a boy group lead dancer to a survival show trainee, it hadn’t erased his basic instincts and sanity.

The gap between the two species was huge, and subjective initiative depended on objective conditions.

Wu Jin, who was carrying supplies in front of a Tyrannosaurus Rex... was like an ant carrying a green bean in front of Wu Jin.

Countless branches and leaves cracked and snapped behind him as Wu Jin shuttled frantically between the obstacles.

A Tyrannosaurus Rex’s maximum instantaneous running speed could reach up to 35km/h. Homo sapiens boasted a top speed of 45km/h, but this was an Olympic sprinting champion’s record speed.

––If Wu Jin could run at a top speed of 45km/hour, the entertainment company that had originally packaged him up for the boy group wouldn’t have had him attend the audition. They could’ve bought a water army and hyped up <Surprise! Boy group trainee achieves Olympic results, customized finish line theme song hit list!>

In fact, based on human beings’ general physical fitness, their long-distance running speed was only 16-18km/h. It was far slower than the Tyrannosaurus Rex’s burst of speed during the hunt.

The heavy head charged forward again, and Wu Jin staggered as he dodged, falling to the ground before scrambling back up again. Countless dead branches and crushed leaves fell on his head, and there was an empty, cleared out area behind them.

There was no grass left wherever the Tyrannosaurus Rex had passed by.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex showed its teeth once again.

At this moment, his vision seemed to be broken down frame by frame. Wu Jin tried to look up, and he could clearly see the dark shadow of the skull that was nearly two meters long and the closely arranged sharp teeth that were like curved knives. In the dimness, the creature secreted mucus mixed with blood foam, and the gums at the front and back were full of serrated teeth.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex was a dominant predator who ruled for 160 million years.

Each of its genes had undergone the most brutal screening process––compared to it, a Homo sapiens with a history of merely 400,000 years was like a remnant on the evolutionary tree.

The smell became stronger and stronger. Wu Jin cursed and backed away as fast as he could with both hands. Just as he was about to cry for help from his teammates, he found that Lin Ke was pointing over in his direction from a distance, his shrill cries sharper than a howling ghost.

Wu Jin was shrouded by the dark shadow. The Tyrannosaurus Rex’s thick cervical vertebra were like hammers, supporting the jaw that was perfectly designed to bite through its prey’s throat as it dipped down––

Ming Yao’s heart hung in his throat, “Little Witch!”

The huge tree that the youth had originally been hiding behind was smashed apart. The Tyrannosaurus Rex’s tail swung violently, dragging with it all 6 tons of its heavy body as it rotated&#k2013;&#k2013;Wu Jin quietly dodged in the other direction.

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