Chapter 107- Lock

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There were two seconds where Wei Shi stared at Wu Jin and felt like he’d been stabbed by his paper-pale, thin cheeks––

In the next moment, his heart felt like it had stopped.

The youth didn’t dare to believe it. He held Wu Jin’s arm to give him support, a growl sounding from his throat.

How was it possible, how could it be? It should be him that entered the emotional lock––

The black bracelet absorbed the blood, and the color turned pale.

The instructor nodded. “Two were successful. The crazy one will be dealt with tomorrow.” The instructor came over and looked down to check Wei Shi’s bracelet.

Wei Shi suddenly came back to his senses and tried his best not to look at Wu Jin. His eyes were red, and he had his head bowed in a way that was similar to the other student who’d entered the emotional lock at the same time. His wrist muscles twitched from the tension of trying not to show any sign of what had just happened.

The other hand that held Wu Jin was shaking even more.

The little shortie’s breath seemed to almost have disappeared, just like a constantly melting piece of ice.

The bracelet beeped twice. The instructor looked at Wei Shi in satisfaction.

“This one’s fine. The lock is in.”

The instructor removed his bracelet and turned to look at Wu Jin.

Wei Shi suddenly thrust himself in front of Wu Jin. His bloodshot eyes gave the instructor a start; Wei Shi was like a monster whose genetic transformation had failed and seemed more like a terrifying beast than a human being. He growled, “Get lost...”

The instructor cursed angrily and swallowed hard, then turned and thought of the aftereffects of the emotional lock and secretly whispered to himself, “Little brat, you deserve to be locked... do you really think of yourself as a human being?”

The instructor shook his head and swaggered back, and the other R-Code Base workers comforted him, “What’s the point of getting angry at them? You’re lowering your status by interacting with them!”

The voices of the conversation faded away as they disappeared into the gloomy night.

Wei Shi turned around abruptly, ignoring the blood on his arms as he hurriedly hugged Wu Jin anxiously.

The little shortie’s breath was almost down to nothing. His lips were first pale, then darkened to an almost abnormal bruised color. His entire person seemed to have no strength, and he toppled against Wei Shi. The only sign that he was still alive was the trembling––

Wu Jin had constantly been trembling.

Wei Shi anxiously pressed him into his arms, and the hand he placed at Wu Jin’s neck was only able to find a weak, fleeting pulse.

The little shortie’s chin rested lightly against his shoulder, and Wei Shi suddenly froze.

His shoulder was wet with tears.

Wu Jin was crying.

Wei Shi felt like he’d just taken a critical attack. He felt for Wu Jin’s hand and saw the scratch left by the knife on the inside of his wrist.

When the toxin of the emotional lock encountered blood, it would dissolve and spread out instantly until it invaded the central nervous system. When that happened, it would give an ‘activated’ signal back to the instructor. Before the bracelet had activated, the little shortie had stood with his back to the instructor and reached out suddenly to hold his hand––at that time, warm liquid had flowed into his wound.

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