Chapter 119.1- Noble Lady

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They were attacked from the front and back, a double-pronged attack.

Vera came to her senses faster than Wu Jin and brandished her sword at Wei Yan––

There was a cracking sound.

Just like earlier when they’d fought against the female armored warrior, the sword broke with a crisp sound. Vera’s eyelids twitched, but Wu Jin instantly stepped up to hold back Vera. Wei Yan was able to obtain a long sword, and it was obviously sturdier than the equipment obtained from the decorative knights scattered across the Palace of Versailles.

“Lemoyne––” Wu Jin blurted out the word before Wei Yan could make another move.

Wei Yan’s movements stilled briefly.

As expected.

Wei Yan had enough confidence that he could eliminate Wu Jin, but he couldn’t pass up on the instance clues that Wu Jin had in his hands.

Regarding Lemoyne, the painter who’d died in a pool of blood, the clues for the password and oil painting were divided into two parts. Half of it was in Wei Yan’s hands, and Wu Jin held the other half.

Unless the clues were combined, both of them could only attempt to break through this instance through ‘forceful elimination’.

“Clues.” Wei Yan’s speech was brief and direct, his blade glinting coldly in the cloudy light of the <Giant> painting.

Wu Jin tried to calm down his heart, dawdling as he seemed to want to come to a compromise––

The youth jumped up abruptly, tugging on Vera, who had muscles that could react similarly quickly, and turned around to flee through the gap between the giant and Wei Yan.

Two unarmed A-level trainees had no chance of winning against an S-level trainee with a sword.

Wei Yan stared after Wu Jin’s running back for a long time before lowering his head to wipe a hand across the blade.

Then, he grasped the handle of the sword with both hands.

From behind Wu Jin, the sound of footsteps rang out again.

Wei Yan’s ability to judge positioning was extremely accurate. The giant’s positioning was disorderly, but the S-level trainee was already able to figure out 70-80% of it within a limited amount of time. There were many ways to catch Wu Jin, but he chose the most labor-saving and efficient one.

He helped the giant.

No matter where Wu Jin and Vera fled, they would have to avoid being trampled by the Giant’s feet as it stamped through the Spanish towns, then they would accidentally end up running into Wei Yan. No matter how they moved, they were still unable to escape from Wei Yan’s calculations.

When they finally became physically exhausted, Wei Yan would have the absolute advantage and be able to force out the clues that he wanted.

&#k2013;&#k2013;All the &#k2018;weapons’ in this scene had been collected up by Wei Yan, and guarded by the young woman who was protected in the rear.

There was only one exception.

The motionless French army behind the giant.

Five minutes later, Wu Jin covered his ribs and panted. The torrential rain pelted down from the top of the instance, and between the lightning and thunder, there were shadows cast over what little remained of his vision.

Vera clenched her teeth, wanting to pull out a torch from the ruins of a village ravaged by the war to fight against Wei Yan.

Wu Jin quickly wiped away the rain on his face, and the wind blew some unknown documents into his face. The entire instance was full of corpses, weeds, and belongings from the villagers when they’d fled from the battlefield. Wu Jin glanced at the pages of the book and tossed them aside after seeing that it was useless historical material.

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