Chapter 117.2- Ghost

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The Crosson Show broadcast studio.

Ying Xiangxiang smiled and praised, “They’re the first group to figure out the rules again. Little Witch and Vera work well together.”

Blood Pigeon laughed briefly, “Yes, but––”

The director switched the camera to show the scene at the other end of the gallery in the King’s suite.

A little red faced young woman was stuttering as she tried to speak to Wei Yan: “Behind the frame... there seems to be something...”

To the west of the suite.

Wu Jin pulled out the fifth card, and it was once again sent away by Vera.

Even before they had time to find the sixth card, the card in their hands turned a little hot.

The two of them moved at the same time, bowing their heads to look down at the card.

“The other two cards have been found by other contestants...” Vera narrowed her eyes, “...What is this?”

What appeared to be a section of a painting appeared in the middle of the card.

A man with white hair was surrounded by angels as he looked up towards the gates to the gods up in the clouds. Light shone down from above, holy and solemn.

Wu Jin looked at it for a long time and finally shook his head, “Greek mythology. As for the rest... this painting must be in the Palace of Versailles. We’ll look for it.”

Vera understood. She looked carefully at the portion of the painting in the card, then helped Wu Jin look at every painting. In the King’s suite and the entire wing of the building, all the walls were covered with large-scale murals. The French court paintings were all similar in style with varied details, and by the time they’d finished searching the entire corridor, it was already nearly dark.

The candle holders across the entire palace finally lit up.

Vera smiled wryly, “I thought we were coming to a dance. I didn’t think we’d end up looking for paintings.”

Wu Jin comforted her, “At least we have peace-loving ghosts here––no threatening piano playing, and the cards are stuffed behind painting frames.” He then added, “At least, we haven’t met any yet.”

Wu Jin suddenly froze, his mind flashing back to the vague shadow in the window when they’d landed by parachute.

However, he pushed that image to the back of his mind.

After looking through the wing, the two of them went on to look through the war corridor, encountering the loudly singly Caesar twice, Zoe, who was carrying a sculpture, once, Thin Fire, who was pouring water over porcelain, once, and the Wei Yan, who was standing in front of the wall quietly, like a stone statue, three times. The A-level and S-level trainees who didn’t want to use up their fighting power showed a friendly surface level brotherhood to each other one after another.

Wu Jin looked slowly out the window. It seemed that the big boss hadn’t landed in the main Palace of Versailles. It was likely that he was clearing the jungle in the farmhouses. At this hour, he might even be roasting a rabbit for himself...

Wu Jin breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to eliminate the big boss if they drew the same card.

All of a sudden, he turned to look at Vera, “Just now&#k2013;&#k2013;what was Brother Wei Yan looking at?”

Vera shrugged, “I don’t know. He was looking at the wall.”

Wu Jin spoke slowly, “There are murals on the wall.”

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