Chapter 116.2- The Fifth Elimination Match

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Monday passed by in a flash. After close-combat training, the oil painting class began.

Wu Jin categorically selected the ‘abstract starry sky’ painting with the lowest level of difficulty.

During a break in class, he quietly moved his easel to the corner of the classroom and discussed the contents of the handout with the rest of the White Moonlight team.

“The handout is like a direct copy from a travel brochure...” Zoe frowned.

“A tour guide map of the Palace of Versailles, a brief introduction to the art collection, and group photo locations for tourists.” Wen Lin nodded.

Wu Jin used the easel as cover and turned to a certain page in the handout.

It was precisely in the tourist group photo section. Two ladies in black robes stood side by side, giving off an aura of grace and kindness.

“A black and white photo. It seems to be from the 20th century...” Zoe rubbed his chin.

“1901.” Wu Jin spoke up. “I tried to search for this picture. On the left is Miss Mobley, the Dean of St. Hugh’s College, Oxford University. On the right is Miss Jourdain, President of a girl’s school in London. But the photo isn’t known for this.”

Under the shadow of the easel, Wu Jin projected his terminal screen onto the canvas.

Zoe and Wen Lin’s mouths both dropped wide open.

1901, the Mobley-Jourdain incident.

It was also known as the Ghosts of Petit Trianon.

“Two highly respected British women visited a small château in the Palace of Versailles, called the Petit Trianon. It was given to Queen Marie Antoinette by King Louis XVI. They were walking through a grassy path when they saw a woman shaking a white cloth at the window. Dean Mobley was horrified, but President Jourdain believed that there was no windowed building nearby.”

“When they walked out of the path, the two ladies were both given a fright.”

“They saw passersby wearing court clothing from over a century ago, with strange and repulsive smiles on their faces. They could hear inexplicable sounds of running, but couldn’t see anyone moving. They instinctively had a distaste toward everything there; the air was sticky, and the human figures seemed unreal and ‘almost ghost-like’. They even saw a blonde woman painting on the grass––”

“The two of them fled from the Palace of Versailles in a hurry, all the way until they met with other tourists who’d come to see the paintings on the walls of the Versailles Museum.”

“The woman who’d smiled at them was Queen Marie Antoinette, who’d existed a century ago.”

“And what the two of them had seen on the path were ghosts who’d lived in the Palace of Versailles and never left.”

Zoe was shocked, and ended up drawing a sharp crack on the egg he’d painted on the canvas, “This is... a novel? A legendary piece of literature?”

Wu Jin shook his head, “It’s a real event. Based on their reputations at the time as the Dean of a college and a President of a school, there was no need for them to create a legend. In the following decades, this event was often used as an argument for the existence of ghosts and time travel.”

Wu Jin spread his hands, “Of course, for the fifth elimination match, we don’t need to explore the truth about the ghosts in the Trianon.”

Wen Lin stared at the terminal for a long time before sighing and nodding.

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