Chapter 45.1- Special Training

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After Red volunteered to pull the two fools apart, Wu Jin quickly clutched the key and ran off to the North Tower.

The fragrance of some unknown plants floated on the summer breeze. The Crosson trainees, who had just finished a fierce battle, passed under the streetlights in twos and threes.

In order to build up their musicality, Ying Xiangxiang had changed the background music from elegant orchestral music to the theme song for the Crosson Show.

The pathway, grass, and even the side of the building echoed with segments of lyrics, like ‘One in a hundred, ah~ Brave and fearless~’, and ‘Marching forward bravely for the audience~’.

At the foot of the hill not far away, the twin towers cast a dark and majestic shadow against the bright lighting.

There was nearly an hour before the curfew. In the past, the trainees would spend the night in either the training grounds or their dormitories, but because the holidays were near, people chose to run around outside the tower instead of going back inside.

There were seven or eight trainees lying horizontally on the lawn, and the tall, burly one in the middle of the group was Old Qin: Qin Jinbao, of Dolma Entertainment.

After finishing his task of dancing in the vice c-position for the performance, Qin Jinbao was a lot more relaxed. He was spaced out on the grass, listening to the rambling from an old radio––

“But it was said that Xiang Ji led soldiers to kill Xiang Yang in the west, killing the King’s baby. They burned down the Qin palace, and the fires burned for three months, Old Qin...”

Wu Jin turned a corner and headed towards the North Tower.

Qin Jinbao suddenly bit down on a blade of grass and lifted his head up to wave to Wu Jin, “Hey, Little Witch, come over and laze about with us! Feels great!”

Wu Jin grinned and shook his head.

Wu Jin had helped Qin Jinbao with his dance choreography before, and although they hadn’t encountered each other head-on during the competition, he still completely admired him. Seeing that Wu Jin was heading towards the North Tower, he seemed surprised before realizing, “You’re going to see the match grounds... makes sense, they have probably signed a contract with the new sponsor by now.”

Wu Jin had only thought of that now.

The venue location for the next elimination match wouldn’t change. The ‘cellular automata’ that had been across from the North Tower this morning had been nearly completely dismantled in order to make room for the next set up.

The newly built foundations and the construction team sent by the next sponsor could be seen from the windows in the North Tower. It was said that experienced contestants could guess the environment for the next competition with a mere glance at the foundations.

Qin Jinbao waved and continued to listen to his ‘Qin Han romance’. Wu Jin walked into the North Tower, the cool breeze from the temperature control washing over him and making even the tips of his ears perk up in comfort.

After two elimination matches, there were less than 300 trainees left of the original 500. Compared with previous times, the originally crowded North Tower now seemed empty and quiet.

The white walls were covered with graffiti from previous contestants, and one of the headings, ‘3019, Fighting Again at Crosson’ had many signatures underneath it. Many of the remaining trainees had lost roommates during the elimination matches, and had hung sign on the doors:

“Vacancy-young-man-sincerely-looking-for-roommate, no-bad-habits, interested-parties-quickly-contact”&#k2026;

Wu Jin looked out from the stairway and, as expected, saw the assembled components for the foundation of the new arena.

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