Chapter 102- Storm

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Floating City’s night scene was brilliant and chaotic.

The lights burned through the mists like fire, and the colorful neon signs in the night market were dizzying in the damp water vapor, causing one’s vision to flutter when they walked.

Wu Jin ate his handheld wrap very seriously, and his other hand was tucked very cleverly in Wei Shi’s.

Wei Shi looked down. He’d bought a big wrap for Wu Jin only two minutes ago, but there was only a small crescent moon of it left.

The youth’s mask was lifted up slightly as he ate and chomped happily.

He couldn’t help but take Wu Jin to buy another wrap. When they walked into the alley, he gently pinched a handful of soft flesh; of course the little fool had come to stave off hunger.

The one making the wraps was an uncle in his forties. He was cheerful when he saw Wu Jin sticking close to his windowsill happily and stretching his head in.


Wu Jin nodded, “Yes!”

“Orleans chicken drumstick?”

Wu Jin nodded repeatedly, “Yes, yes, yes!”


Wu Jin glanced at the big boss, “No... don’t want that one!”

The uncle understood, “Oh, your boyfriend doesn’t like it. That thing is like star anise; those who like it love it, and those who don’t like it refuse to touch it.”

Wu Jin heard the word ‘boyfriend’ and smiled delightedly, nodding again and again.

The uncle added an egg to the wrap and the fragrance of coriander and shallots spread out, “How long have you known each other?”

Wu JIn grinned, “Three months.”

“Oho,” The uncle flipped the wrap and boasted, “My wife and I got married in three months. You young people should start thinking about it earlier too... Here, it’s done. Take it.”

The half-folded wrap was filled with sauce, bacon, and vegetables and couldn’t even be closed up. Wu Jin quickly accepted the plastic bag, and the lettuce leaf on the top fell out.

Wei Shi reached out and plucked out two leaves, feeding the greens to the little rabbit spirit.

Wu Jin nibbled on it, his tongue rolling up and cheeks puffing out, his breath coming out in huffs.

Wei Shi raised his brows.

Wu Jin: “Spicy...”

The hot sauce had been squeezed on at the end, and the two slices of lettuce had taken in a lot of it.

Wei Shi made a sound of acknowledgement and pulled out the remaining piece of red lettuce from the corner of Wu Jin’s lips, bringing it to his own mouth.

Wu Jin raised up his face and sought confirmation, “It’s spicy, it’s spicy right!”

Wei Shi finished it off in moments and obtained revenge for Wu Jin, “It’s alright.”

The two of them sat down on the bench beside the road. The night wind blew through, and the small curls were fluffy and happy. The pair waited quietly for the wrap that had just come off the stove to cool down, and only the crinkling sound of the plastic bag could be heard beneath the lights.

Wu Jin lifted his head and looked out over the bright night market that wound through the lights like a long dragon as well as the high, spacious mansions amidst the fog in the distance. He was thinking very, very seriously about his and the big boss’s future.

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