Chapter 4- Kill

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Wu Jin gnawed on a rabbit's leg by the crackling campfire without any sense of guilt that he should've had from eating his own kind.

After finishing the rabbit leg, he diligently tidied up the odds and ends of the meal and went back to sit on the tree stump.

There were still piles of supplies that had been left behind by the big boss next to the campfire, but the man himself had disappeared after eating dinner.

As the night deepened, the cool dampness of the conifer forest was dispelled by the warmth from the flames.

Wu Jin felt that he would have to wait another day if he wanted to report all of this to the police and couldn't keep his head from drooping bit by bit as he dozed off.

However, he still remembered his duties as a little assistant.

Even if his eyes could barely remain open from sleepiness, Wu Jin still pulled out the coil of rope and carefully wrapped one end of it around the pile of big boss's supplies, tying the other end to his own wrist.

In the next second, Wu Jin fell into a deep sleep on the tree stump--no matter how difficult it was to survive, everything he wanted could be found in his dreams!

A few hours later, Wu Jin was awakened by the faint sound of an engine.

The night was as dark as ink. At the foot of the hills, above the riverbank where the two contestants had been eliminated, there was the mechanical murmur of sound similar to that of a rotor blade.

Wu Jin stared blankly for a few seconds, and then all his drowsiness instantly disappeared.

He quickly tugged on the rope tied to his wrist, wanting to hide the big boss's belongings. The other end of the rope, however, was empty.

Wu Jin froze, then looked back stiffly--

From the light of the nearly-extinguished campfire, the big boss, who had returned at some unknown point in time, was leaning coolly against a tree and looking down towards the riverbank. His right arm hung casually against his side; old, faint scars visible against the tight curve of muscle. His right hand toyed with the handgun that had previously rested on Wu Jin's head.

"Come here." The man didn't turn his head back as he spoke.

Wu Jin, who was at the very bottom of the food chain, was suddenly filled with energy as he quickly went over to stand by the big boss's side.

The man was much taller than Wu Jin, and Wu Jin didn't know what he saw when he looked down at him.

However, small animals' intuition had always been very keen, and Wu Jin could vaguely perceive that the big boss seemed to be very satisfied.

"Have you ever learned how to use a gun?" The man asked.

Wu Jin sincerely shook his head.

The man nonchalantly pulled a peculiarly shaped weapon from behind him and tossed it at Wu Jin.

Wu Jin was rather panicked as he caught the reward that had been given to him as a little assistant. He hadn't expected that this thing would be so heavy! He took an uncontrolled step backwards--then straightened himself up right away thanks to his excellent dancing skills.

It was a long-muzzled gun, the dark grey barrel making it appear like the pump-action shotguns in military magazines, but the inner diameter of the barrel was incredibly small. Wu Jin deeply suspected that there was no way a bullet could pass through the small bore of the gun. On one side of the handle, engraved in small text, were the words 'A12 Ray'.

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