Chapter 27: Silent breakfast.

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We've been watching The Notebook for over 2 hours now. Louis is sprawled out on the couch and Harry is texting God knows who. Niall has been a sneaky little boyfriend to me since. Every once a while he'd kiss my ear lobe, squeeze my bum, or draw patterns on my exposed legs.

"I love your legs." He whispered to me. I glanced at him on which he made a kissing face.

"Excuse me, but we are watching moving here." Harry butted in.

"Yeah keep your phone in front of your face to have more better access to watch." Niall sarcastically replied and I nearly laughed at his remark. "Seriously Hazz, who you are textin'?" He asked.

"Just some friends." We could tell he was lying.

"Good one Harry, that's a really fucking old lie." Louis mumbled in his sleep. We all looked at him and laughed.

"Seriously Louis?" Harry scoffed at Louis playfully. "Louis?" Harry nudged him and we all laughed of realization because he was mumbling in his sleep. Just at the cue, my phone started buzzing as it was on silent.

I looked at my phone's Caller ID and I froze. Daniel was calling me. Should I accept his call? Or should I ignore it? I chose the second option and ignored the call, sending it straight to voice mail.

"Who's that?" Niall asked.

"Ugh, Ally, yeah. She messaged me asking where I was so I told her I'm at yours but looks like she hasn't got the text yet." I laughed a little making my lie more like a truth but Niall seemed to believe me.

Right at the moment I saw Harry eyeing me closely and I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid. Of course he'd be talking to Ally. Great, now Harry knows I was lying.

Yeah. It was better to lie than to tell Niall that Daniel was calling me because I have hooked with him, a couple times and that doesn't matter. Of course it does matter. Lying to your so loving boyfriend is what matters to me most. I didn't want to lie but because Harry was here, I couldn't stop myself and I had to lie. I'll tell Niall later when he leaves. Just at the moment, Harry stood up.

"I.. Uh have to go. Have to handle things." Harry said and I could already sense the lie. He was going because he didn't wanted to intrude.

"Yeah okay, what about Louis?" Niall replied.

Right then and there, Harry kicked Louis hard but soft enough to let Louis fall on the carpet floor with a loud thud.

"Wakey wakey Tomlinson." Harry laughed along with us.

"You could have nudged me a little lad." Louis calmly said. "How long have I been asleep for?" He tucked at his hair to keep them in place.

"A couple hours. Lets go. We're going back." Harry replied.

"Neil! Ma boy! I was dreaming of you." Louis kissed Niall on the cheek as Niall laughed.

"Thats good of you Lewis." Niall said laughing again.

Louis hugged me and Harry smiled at me before saying their goodbyes.

"I'm hungry." Niall said. Of course. What do you expect after not having break fast?

"Me too." I smiled. "Lets go out to eat something." I said.

"But I was going to cook a special meal for you." He pouted. My eyes widened at his attempt, thinking of him making a meal for me.

"So lets go then? I can help you cook." I grinned. He shook his head while his eyes closed.

"You're going to be a good girlfriend and sit down and watch me." He winked.

Maybe, a dream? // Niall Horanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن