Training PT1

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After a long a school day for Damian and Silver, the two of them walk out of the school and the strangest thing happened, they both saw a "Raven" flying around and lands on a branch. The two of them follow the "Raven" to an unpopulated area. She turns back to her human form and opens a portal. She says nothing to them and walks through the portal.

Damian: I guess we go in.

Silver: As if we had any other choice.

The two of them walk through the portal and there they see Vernal with her arms crossed and staring at disbelief.

Raven: Vernal. Is everything ready?

Vernal: Yes. Enough space for you start training with them.

Raven: Good. Damian and Silver, follow me.

The boys follow Raven to an open area. There was nothing, but open space for then and they finally reached the location where they needed to be.

Damian: Why did you take us to this location? What did Vernal mean "enough space"?

Raven: For you guys training. Tell me, are you two familiar with meditating?

Silver: Yes but what does that have to do with anything?

Raven: The power you both have is very dangerous and the fight you two had together few days ago proves that you haven't fully mastered them yet.

Damian: I see.

Raven: Now meditate..

The two of them sit on the ground and do a meditative pose.

Raven: Now, imagine the most painful experiences you two have ever seen. Remember what they felt like. The negative emotions. Hate. Anger. Fear. All of them and channel them. Concentrate and control them.

Silver thinks back to when he met Summer and recalls when they were outnumbered by Grimm. This fills him with intense rage.

Damian thinks about how betrayed he was knowing the truth of his Master and The Order knowing that they were going to destroy of all Vale. The rage he feels start to activate and it continues to rise.

The thought of those memories start to trigger two different auras. The ground all around starts to shake and the distance didn't matter, EVERYONE within not just Vale, but all the Kingdoms could feel it.

Raven: Incredible... this is more than I could've ever imagined. Damian!! Silver!! Control your power!

They couldn't hear her. In fact, they couldn't hear anyone. The two of them were still in deep meditation and soon they open their eyes, with Damian giving a roar.


Silver does the same thing.


Immediately the two of them look at Raven and Vernal who both seem pretty tensed.

Damian and Silver finally look at each other, then see the astonishing glow they both have.

Damian: Is that you Silver?

Silver: Yeah it's me. Are you Damian?

Damian: Yeah. This power, I have never felt anything like this. Is this our aura?

Silver: It's nuts. (right hand on chest; closed eyes): I can feel my Soul brimming with energy.

Damian: I know right? (makes a fist with both hands) I can sense it getting stronger and yet, it feels very calm.

Damian and Silver smile at each other.

Damian: I wonder.

Damian closes his eyes and relax, turning off his glow.

Damian: I was right.

Silver does the same thing as Damian.

Silver: This day keeps getting better and better.

Damian: Hahaha. I agree.

The two of them look at Raven and Vernal who are both shocked at what they both did. This causes them both be extremely scared.

Raven: How? How did you two do it? How were you both able to control your power with such ease?

Vernal: So much power and control. These two are amazing? But also, dangerous. I'm starting to understand why she's so intrigued by those. Mainly him, this Damian Locke.

She looks at him.


Raven: Before I left Beacon Academy, there was another person who possess great power. He was strong, fast, determined, but very dangerous, his power is said to match even the greatest of Huntsmen. He went on many missions and always came back victorious.

Vernal: Who is this Huntsman?

Raven: His name is Jasper.

Vernal: Jasper?

Raven nods her head.

Raven: Although, I believe you know him by another name.

Vernal: Jasper The Huntsmen Killer.

Raven: It is said that with his power, he possess a strong sense of justice and pride. He has killed many people and hid his crimes from many people, until they were discovered by one of my teammates.

Vernal: Who?

Raven: Qrow.

Vernal: Your brother?

Raven: Yes. After he revealed his crimes to the Headmaster, Jasper was placed under arrest, but he managed to escape. He left Vale and practically vanished from the face of the Four Kingdoms.

Vernal: I'm getting the feeling there's a but..

Raven: After I went back to my tribe, there was a group of highly skilled assassins known as The Order.

Vernal: I've heard of them. They're supposed to be a bunch of killers who are sworn to keep corruption in check and punish anyone for their misdeeds.

Raven: Yes. Many people have died from their hand. Especially those from my tribe. After I found out that there was movement in Mistral.. I sent a few scouts to checkout what was going on and they reported about a little boy being adopted by Jasper.

Vernal: Damian.

Raven: Yes. Since then, I had their location monitored for the past three years and when their Temple was destroyed, I thought Jasper was also gone. But, I knew better than to think he was gone.

Vernal: That explains why you're so eager about this boy. He was his--

Raven: Student.

Vernal: Which makes him even more dangerous.

Raven: Yes. I believe that Jasper is still alive and he might know something. Which is why, I must help him control his powers and if he's involved in this–

Vernal: Having Remnant's Hero might come in handy.

Raven: Precisely.


Damian and Silver walk towards Raven.

Damian: We would like to go home.

Raven: Of course. (opens portal) We will continue tomorrow.

The two of them walk through the portal. They arrive back in Tai's house. Everyone is asleep and They were about to do the same thing. 

Lethal Protector: RWBY × Yang × OC (Editing and waiting for V10)Where stories live. Discover now